I changed my game language to Korean like two days ago, now I can no change it back anymore. I reinstalled completely two times, I tried to download a different language which takes like forever and once it was finished it didn't change still. I am trying the repair button but it is taking like more than a minute for only 1% to load. Is there something else i can do?
5 Replies
It's like the first option in settings right?
in the client yes
might be able to go into file location and set the language but idk if that will trigger riot anti cheat that ur trying to hack or not
i wouldn't even know how
also when i look at the text and voice languages in the file location only 3 pop up
but i am currently trying to download another language again and it seems to work so far idk but the language i am looking for pops up in the paks files
Changing Languages in VALORANT
I'm guessing you don't have the benefit of a technologically advanced translator at all times like I do, but don't worry. You'll be able to change your language both in-game and in-client whenever ...