Constant 60 fps
Although my fps restriction options are turned off in the game, I see 60 fps constant and it does not improve. My screen is 144 hz. I tried turning off vsycn and other things in the settings I need help!
39 Replies
go to winows advanced display settings
and see if the refrsh rate is 144hz
İt is already 144 hz
what gpu do oyu have
same problem lol
İntel core i7 12.Generation
that aint a gpu
İts a gpu
GPU means graphic card
Oh sorry
Nvdia gforce rtx 3060
is vsync turned off in game?
if you have nvidia control panel then see if vsync is off
Yes I said it above
@Dawg its already off
how about nvidia control panel
There is also closed
how u think gpu is prosesor
@! ‘’『Ӿ Ξ Г θ Ӿ』
My problem is fixed
I'll tell you later how it got better
so what should I do
I do not know , my brother said what he knew but I did not understand it will show later
ping me when u understand plz
Cause some people have the same problem lol but i think it’s the latest update of valorant that made that
change from nvdiea settings and turn on power had the same issue
turn on power
not on battery play
wait how do we access this? if possible do u have a screenshot
cause i believe i have the same problem but im not good at navigating technology at all
low latency : Ultra
power management mode : performance maximal


control panel ?

settings > general > battery boost
i don't have this option
u on laptop?
or pc?
I'm on PC I have a case
I don’t have a laptop
okay idk about pc
oh, do u know why mine looks like this?

nevermind i found that
mine looks like yours but im still experiencing the game as choppy , do you know if its still nvidia or if its just my val or laptop?

disable it
ohh mk
ty i'll see if it works
ok it didnt work so i'll just contact riot support to see if they're able to help
ty for help
For people who have their FPS blocked following the last update, I contacted Riot to ask them how we solved this problem and they answered me by quoting me that I had to uninstall my nvidia drivers with an application, check if I had no virus while I said that I had already done that. So I told them that the problem came from them and they replied that if the problem came from Riot he would have received a lot of postponement
@! ‘’『Ӿ Ξ Г θ Ӿ』did it get fixed?
if not i can help it