FPS is High but Gameplay Feels Stuttery
I'm getting around 400 fps in-game, but when I play, it feels laggy. I'm not sure whether this is because of screen tearing or something else. I attached pictures of my in-game settings and also a graph of my frame time so you can see the stutters. If you have any recommendations for settings to change, either in-game or AMD/system, anything would be gladly appreciated. Also, yes, my monitor is pretty bad compared to my PC(only 75 Hz), but I was wondering whether I could make it smoother without upgrading.

11 Replies
have u tried to close everything in ur desktop and just open valorant
you may want to set an fps limit in-game to stabilize frame times. besides that, unless you're running at 100% cpu or something, it can get no smoother than 75fps.
Would setting a frame cap have the same effect of vysnc? I’ve heard that it increases input lag a lot
Usually it’s the only thing open. I have 16 GB ram which I think is good for Val
Vsync causes system latency because the game engine can't work around the frame limit. It'll just keep generating frames and get blocked by the video card drivers before it sends them to the video card. With the in game frame limiter, the engine can throttle frame generation earlier (it doesn't intend to generate more frames faster than whatever frame rate you put in). This results in less of a latency nerf.
All this said, lower frame rate will mean there's more of a delay between things happening in the game world and you seeing them.
You can get the best latency by running uncapped with no vsync. But frametimes will be inconsistent.
Would capping it to something like 350 fps help with the frame time spikes?
i’m pretty sure it’s because you have your fps capped pretty low, you should bring it up higher depending on your fps you get in other games. You’ll know yourself
Your best to leave it at a framerate that you can always exceed. So if ur frames are always above 400fps, set it to 400fps.
Currently it’s uncapped so I was wondering where to cap it at
I will try this next time I play to see if it makes it smoother, thanks for the advice
And also the explanation on vsync helped
Just remember tho. If your monitor displays 75hz, it won't get smoother than 75fps.
i have mines capped at 240 because i think the higher the better but don’t push it too hard
wait is this actually true?
Yes. Unless ur monitor supports overdrive, it has a hard framerate cap. And even if it does support overdrive, it still has a fixed cap, but that sacrifices image quality.
People run very high frame rates with vsync off because it allows them to see more recent game state, even if what they're seeing is part one frame and part another.