Unfixable Valorant Ping Spikes
Hi, a few months ago I started playing Val a lot again. One thing I noticed is that sometimes for no reason really I will randomly start spiking to 200-300+ ping every few seconds consistently. (You can see in the clip, watch my ping) This happens at no particular time of day and it can happen in the middle of a game. Once it happens, it doesn't go away until whenever I play again next game. Restarting the game, my internet, or my entire PC (which I've tried to do out of game or mid game many times) does not fix it and I literally can't do anything except stop playing for the day because the game is near unplayable when you're shooting at someone and their head is teleporting back and forth around your crosshair. It randomly happens in comp all the time and is so frustrating. This happens on every NA server I can access and in every gamemode and has for around 3-4 acts now and it's incredibly frustrating and kinda ruins the game for me and I have no idea how to fix it.

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