Why Riot?????ππππππ
This just my second account in the picture my main account got suspended with the same reason and thats my Philippines acc and the main is a US acc
Been playing on my laptop since 2019 i think but i do sometimes get suspended with the same reason. I just want to play valorant and i'm not rich enough to buy gaming laptops or pc's. my dad just bought this laptop for cheap in a thrift store soπππ

62 Replies
Do you eventually load in or do you just never load in?
i have the same problem with loading into the game its takes ab 1-2 rounds to load in i have a mid level gamming pc and all my other games run just fine idk what to do to fix it
might be a queue dodge
if it takes more than a minute to load, you might be queue dodging
even though it's just loading
Yea but I load into the game and play the rest of the game out
And then after I get a 2 hour matchmaking ban
might be a cpu problem or a network one, loading is somehow cpu intensive idk why
i had like a 2nd gen intel and had the same problem
Iβm just trying to play Valorant
Cap your fps to 10 and then try loading in
it uses 20% of my cpu
and it takes like 2 round to load
like use my whole cpu at least
The loading stuff is bound by ur system's single core clock and RAM speed, and also your system's IO.
If you right click the CPU panel in Task Manager, you can verify how much of any one core is used. If no core is at 100% while loading, either your disk or your RAM is the bottleneck.
dang so now im gonna need an ssd to run valorant
And yeah. Unfortunately you're running into Riot's desire to have people who disrupt a lot of games (even unintentionally) to play fewer games. If they put you on competitive cool downs, and then on longer restrictions, you can disrupt fewer matches.
For help, you may want to talk directly to Riot. They're the ones banning you and may be able to help get the game to load more quickly.
This would be the ticket:
Yup. Prbly. Unfortunately the game doesn't steam a lot of assets from disk. It's loaded into RAM when the match begins. Otherwise, you'd have massive lag spikes and jank during a match which would just make you lose.
well makes sense
the game doesnt lag at all when in a match but it takes ages to load
idk how cs2 and fortnite dont have this problem tho
i feel like riot should at least update their system requirements to include ddr4 ram and an ssd
cuz the current reccomended cpu can only support ddr3
Valve engineers are able to reduce the size of what absolutely needs to be loaded into memory. They've been at this for decades.
On the Riot side, they need to load the map but also all the crazy skins and agents everyone may have picked. On cs, the skins are all just textures with maybe different 1p animations for knives and there isn't much variation for the player skins.
would be nice if you could turn off skins in valorant as a cosmetic option
but then again fortnite has even more crazy skins to load in and an even larger map
i guess unreal engine is just very optimized
That could possibly have competitive integrity issues. Some skin animations and just gun models cover more of the screen and the animating ones add visual noise (that the player opted into). They need this to be consistent for both players and spectators.
You may notice that turning the graphics down doesn't really change what a gun model covers up. Just what it's covered by sorta thing. This is the reason.
This. And although Riot did customize the engine and build stuff that wasn't built in when the game launched, they tried to target a certain range of PCs, performance-wise. Once they hit those targets they sorta held on optimizing further.
Valve is trying to pack all of the elastic scaling into their engine because they intend to use it for other games (like their tech demos they keep releasing in the Half Life Universe sigh).
yeah i get that but I highly doubt the recommended specs on the valorant website could load the game in time at this point in time
They test on these specs and bend over backwards to make the game run on them. Just note that the specs don't call out the need for fast storage. It takes a while to read all the assets for a match from a platter drive.
mhm but the recommended intel CPU still only supports ddr3
and i feel like ddr3 at this point is way too slow for this game
my friend is playing with ddr3 and running ok
The write speed for ddr3 is faster than the read speed for at least SATA ssds. As far as loading, they prbly feel that you can fix the bottleneck easily so don't call out storage.
In game, they test on pretty old hardware and would very much like to bump the lower limit but they want to maximize that in app content revenue.
Wait wdym
Ddr3 is ram
Yeah it is
oh my god 2b2t admin
Yes. We're talking about things that could slow down load times. Since loading involves copying data from disk into memory, memory write speed, disk read speed, and CPU clockrate can have an impact.
No it will just kick me out of the game
i can send you a video to optimize windows 10 which actually worked for me
went from 180 processes idle to 60
get better pc
Bruhhow about you buy me one
im poor
Now then don't suggest to buy a new one because some people are not rich
My main acc got suspended at the date of Nov and i can use it again in Nov 2024
u asked for a solution i gave you one
Itβs true
well maybe coz ur pc didnt load it up but for others the game started n that got u ban coz its like u being afk
if u wait for a long time n it doesnt start then restart ur pc n reopen valorant this will just give u a warnng n not give u time out most of the times
alternatively you can buy an ssd so it can load val in faster
its not like that it might be coz the server overload issues or ur pc over heating too
some times it happens to me too
server doesnt have issues this often
well yea but idk if he always faces it
n also over heating issues too
its because its on a hard drive
harddrives tend to load in slower
i got a hard drive
still ik
but valo is not such a high end game so it wouldnt have that much prob running in hdd
i do use ssd n its fast for me not to be against it
but im not sure if he always faces it or just some times
Do you have any background apps running
Such as discord or like Spotify or chrome or wtv
I always close everything before playing the game
Even though i like listening to music while playing the game i just use my phone to play some music
Same issue RIOT pls fix this

yo lemme check that vid rq
let me get the link pls
Khorvie Tech
THE BEST Quick Guide To Optimizing / Improving Windows on your gaming PC! How To Optimize Windows 10 For GAMING - Best Settings for FPS & NO DELAY!
In today's video I showcase a full Windows 10 And Windows 11 optimization that will significantly improve gaming performance & heavily lower input delay. This optimizion guide will also benefit any ...

most of those guide are bad, you should not look at them if you are not experienced in pc
mhm most are
this one is a detailed explanation
I used it and for me it worked wonders
yes they work but if you know how many person had problem by optimazing there pc with those guide to tell you some people had there pc lock with pc after a window maj
everything messing with windows is do at your own risk
they work but your pc can get lock from some of those guide or having problem from those guide
at the end of the day u can install atlas
well yeah
thats why every guide starts with telling you to make a restore point
just in case anything happens
than say it ? make more than not enough
it says that in the guide i sent?
the guide tells you to do that why would i need to point it out
big channel do, little most of time dont, or dont say it enough, they just say you can do a restore point
and a restore point if you pc cant launch not sure that help
it does
when windows cant launch it goes into recovery mode which lets you restore a restore point
it does ? i help many people and they couldnt use the recovery point they create before using those guide
you wait for windows logo to appear then force shutdown computer
when u boot it up again it boots up advanced mode
where u can pick a bunch of options like factory reset and a restore point
oh ok thank, but do you know why those guy didnt had the restore point then ?
Iβm pretty sure if you have this problem first check if you have a hardrive if so see if you can upgrade to an nvme