Any idea with riot not being able to install dependancy's?
After weeks and weeks of trying to resolve this is still have no solution. Basically reinstalling valorant its now unplayable due to it failing to install the required dependancy's.
the logs give me this error 'invalid exit code 10044 Unspecified' but i have no idea how to solve this. Any info would be amazing

71 Replies
full log line where the erro is specified
013377.413| ERROR| agent: Dependency vanguard failed to install: Process exited with invalid exit code 10044 Unspecified
013377.413| OKAY| telemetry: Sending telemetry to schema riotclientErrorv5 with: {"errorCode":"","errorDescription":"agent: Dependency vanguard failed to install: Process exited with invalid exit code 10044 Unspecified","errorName":"agent_elevated_dependency_install_failed","module":"agent","severity":"Error"} and additional fields {"dependencyId_str":"vanguard","errorMessage_str":"Process exited with invalid exit code 10044 Unspecified"}
Tried reinstalling both valorant and riot games alltogether, tried using a VPN to see if that would be able to download, also restarted pc multiple times, tried using console to delete vgc and vanguard which they dont exist as it hasnt downloaded them.
please ping with any information on this ty have a look at these methods and see if they work for u if not contact Riot support
Crown GEEK
Valorant "We Couldn't Install a Required Dependency" - (2023 FIX)
Valorant "We Couldn't Install a Required Dependency" - (2023 FIX)
I am sharing here 2 solutions to fix the We Couldn't Install a Required Dependency error on Valorant.
00:00 - Intro
00:37 - Solution1 Close Riot & Start VGC Service
02:43 - Solution 2 Uninstall Riot Vanguard
►(Related Queries covered in this video)
we couldn't insta...
tried that video sadly, i dont even have the VGC service nor vanguard installed to even uninstall it
and ive been on with riot support for around 2 days now back and fourth and thought id try here too
ty for your time tho
uninstall valorant its self and reinstall because u should have vanguard and vgc
i did that too
thats what riot support said to do
idk then maybe search up how to instal vgc and vangaurd
doesnt pop up
first lets just check if vanguard is even installed on the computer, open a cmd as admin and enter:
sc query vgc
sc query vgk
it should return like the picture if it exists
ion got vanguard

then you don't have vanguard installed at all
thing is
disable all your antiviruses
u cant download it
and try redownloading it
thatsprolly why
im pretty sure this is gonna work if not ill be back
thanks tho
i disabled everything im pretty sure, gettin same thing 😭
you're on a valid windows 10+ version and windows defender is disabled too then right?
do they give any extra info or still just say they couldn't install a required dependency?
i had got a new message i never got before, which said repair files which i did after. then it went back to da same thing
want me to restart my pc?
you can try but I don't think the files are getting to the pc at all
do you have a folder in
C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard
mmm i see
lemme check
no i dont
yeah so its not installing the files at all then
have you tried launching the riot client as an administrator?
yea, ill try again lol
it could be that you have insufficient privileges as a user to perform the install without it
im pretty sure i do
ive installed valorant before
huh, then surely it has to be an antivirus you have installed in between causing it then
or did you change anything else?
ain change anything
i could check for another antivirus but ion think i have anymore
could dis be it?

not the clientux hold on
C:\Riot Games\Riot Client
type dat in folder??
the top one is the folder directory
the bottom is the name of the exe
i clicked it
set that one to run as admin
now what
restart the riot client and see if it lets you download it
run it as a admin right
well if admin is checked you shouldn't need to
doesn't really matter though just do it anyways lol

same message 😭
literally never seen valorant refuse to download the files this stubbornly
its always an antivirus or lack of privileges
how do i check privileges??
if it doesn't work when you run it as admin that means privileges isn't the issue
i see
could it maybe be a firewall issue?
i think it works
it say restart ur pc
hold on
tysm i love you 😭 ❤️
oh shit it worked?
np man
yess, all i had 2 do was restart the pc earlier
oh oh
another problem

just restart the game once first
its a very common thing that happens to everyone
i see
thanks so much
@Arii how to fix?
well its one of the things listed in here, hard to know which one since it happened after some time had passed

not installed for me
I'd probably start with disabling every antivirus and setting this file to run as admin
on it
not working for me
did you restart the riot client after applying it?
it has to be fully exited that might be why it wasn't noticed until restart
yeah fully closed with task manager
hmm then its probably still like windows defender or maybe the riot client didn't exit fully
it could also be that you need a firewall exclusion
neither has worked sadly
and Valorant support team keep asking for logs even tho I have sent them 3 times
however everytime they respond its a different person
had to come back to this 😭