77 Replies
youtube is your friend but
- mostly learn to straff, how to peek angle, crosshair, aim
- positionning when you make a kill you should be able to repositionning yourself,
- basic gamesense map knowledge, agent, commun angle
Should get you atleast gold
1. Play the game more
2. Watch sero and royalG on YouTube to learn from them
3. Watch radiant twitch streamers instead of TV in free time
rem, charlatan are good and no one is watching tv anymore, you should say netflix, prime video
I must be old because I consider Netflix and prime video to be under the category of tv
i think you are old sorry <:Brim_HideThePain:1019655986178445313>
I’m only 38
Ahem, as an hardstuck bronze 2 and i actually have decent mechanics, id say what @OsWaynZz cuz like nothing else lol
Ur 38???
than i ask to see a gameplay because i got said that many time
Hoe what... Yea i se myself in like 21 years still playing val like goddamn im js 17 i wouldn't have thiught my dad is playing lmao
Nah, unless your like really planning to main this agent and this agent only i guess maybe you can learn them in iron-bronze but i like to learn my agent for example: Kayo, I mained him when i was iron but ofc i varied when i saw yoru one tricks etc. But since im hard stuck bronze 🥉🥉🥉 I learned him since i might aswell get some free rounds with molly lineups i think to get out of iron you need to stop moving and shooting like sheesh u aint neons ult
so you assume maining an agent is more important than basic mechanic ?
Like learn to stop looking at underground wells and start aiming at head level, there are indications for example double dice on c site haven it shows u the head and as u play-
nah if its basic then ye sure
Ig its important
mechanic will always will be a need, but with just basic with an agent you can climb to diams without any problem
when i strafe should i take long steps for recoil to go down or should i take small steps
burst 3 bullet max wait the reset shoot again
1m straff are okay
I like to drag my crosshair down
When i strafe
Cuz sometimes mu recoil goes to heaven
wdym by 1m
you shoot how many bullet ?
also should i bind crouch
Yes keeo it
Keeo it
1 meter
ik but how far is that
Sometimes its completely acceptable
turn on monitor tbh
place a ping on the map you will see
If your saying 1m in game aw hail nah that shit is smaller than my-
do it with feeling fast enough to be an hard target
practice and find agent that suits ur play style
If u like to play passive i think sentinel is for u
3 max and you should really do tap its what i do, no need to control recoild
If u like to take duels play duelist
Nah its something i got from Rawzu
It helps kinda actuakly
Rawzu ?
Hes just a ytber lol
I kinda learned from him 99% of my mechanics
oh and if u like to play support play initiator i think the best one js gekko
i will got see his channel than
than your nose
when i strafe tho i miss my shots
do i have to micro adjust
Holy banan.. developers wtf is this? It said 35 gb for valorant???

And h
visual bug
And hokd onnn
I didnt install valorant today
Here comes crosshait placement
The whole goal of it is that u shud barely move your mouse
Bro this is free coaching on gis
Like send me a vod review at this point bro
What rank r u @OsWaynZz
plat i told you before im aiming for diams this season because my ping look stable
Im not gonna play comp for kike 2 weeks
plat lobbies are unplayable now
Cuz some people are immo and still didnt play the placement games and are against me lol
Soo im waitin
idk i wait 2 week on new episode
no but like in an aim duel, i strafe and miss some shots when theyre strafing too
you know what i mean?
like in an aim duel i cant win
is it my aim
is there any video for this
just search movement
and also the way how u peek
it's basically challenging ur opponents reaction time with speed
how bout postion and reposition
@outtaboundsfr by playing or you have guide on this subject i think charlatan and sero did ond
Improved demon 1 playlist 💀
how can i win with lag
it always haunts me with perfect timing
i need help with lag
dont shoot while strafing
Ok so theres something called
the deadzone skill or osmething
Its like
when ur strafing u should stop for a like 3 second timer and shoot ur 3 bullets
Is xtr phoenix guide gud
not in iron
its kinda like that
deadzoning is the time when you switch from strafing left to right( and vice versa)
theres a split second where your character stops and you are dully accurate
you dont actually pause your strafes
its just a timing
pretty from iron to gold ypu need aim and practice your gunfights
search woohoojin gold tutorial on youtube
Can I watch xtr guides as well
@theultimatepumpkin For iron, just dont move while shooting, and learn the basics of crosshair placement and map knowledge, and some more gamesense training and if u want to u can learn basic/advanced agent tutorials
what u need
to get out of iron
rlly dont priorotize
the odin
people in low elo cant
punish it
wait actually
use the odin
make sure
make sure your also decent in the vaandal
in high elo or like gold-plat maybe silver in rare cases people can punish
the crouch spray odin
or just crouch spraying in general
crouch spraying in #general
xd im already watching the whj gold routine thing
he said to overflick
and correct with movement
its day 3 of doing it, im finding myself getting cleaner kills but i still die a lot, prob bc i dont have the muscle memory
i can get 29/28 consistently on easy bots with overflicking, but barely 5 on med bots
@futabol that's 25 messages right there how am i supposed to read that
also odin is not 100% reliable because of its price
Alot of irons prioritize it.
Banana woohoojin
You should trolling, saying aim in every post and after that counter straffing, we are not in cs go 🤦♂️
is that cypher!
yes im the real cypher Amir
jk im not but my irl mame is amir
its working
i average around 25 kills now in dm
before it was like 10 XD
ur opponents are bad probs
dms are either
urs is prob
or something
still tho
good job
i take it back
im averaging 10 now
im confused on how to implement this into dm
like the overfclikign
why did i sunddenly lose my aim
take a break or play some deathmatches and everything should be alright
Posture, focus, diet, literally anything that can affect you mentally or physically
lost 6 won 3
anything so that i can wim morr