VALORANTβ€’16mo ago

My Valorant won't open

Whenever I try and open Valorant up, this just happens, no matter how many times I try. https://gyazo.com/4decc0387d991d3d83caaeb5ea91b10d
68 Replies
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
I have tried to reinstall valorant
Wafflβ€’16mo ago
i cant play vids what does it say?
Pchβ€’16mo ago
just click play
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
In the vid, I tried It just takes me back to riot Try pressing the link or this
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Pchβ€’16mo ago
oh mb i didnt see that
Wafflβ€’16mo ago
idk sorry
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
its aight
Deleted User 4gsHyz5 7inHt
Minimum requirements for Valorant (30 FPS): Operating System: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64-bit Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO E8400 Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics Card: Intel HD 4000 One common reason Valorant won't launch is that your PC doesn't have the available RAM for the game
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Yeah, this isn't an issue I've been playing valorant on the same pc since closed beta This issue just began happening 2 hours ago roughly
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
Hello @anakinthighwalker198, Sorry that you're experiencing this issue. I will be trying to help you today with fixing the issue you're experiencing πŸ™‚ Please follow the information I have left below. This may help with fixing your issue, If not please ping me and let me know for further assistance. Goodluck!
1. Go to your Computer Search bar and look up "Task Manager", Look for any related Valorant, Riot Games, or Vanguard apps and right click on them and click "End Task".
2. Open your file explorer, Select the Disk your valorant game is installed in, Press "Riot Games" folder, Press "VALORANT" Folder, Press "Live" Folder, Then you should find the "VALORANT" Application File, Press SHIFT + Right Click the file and select "Properties", select the "Compatibility" Tab, Press and Check the "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations" & "RUn this program as an administrator". Check the "Run this program in Compatibility Mode", Select the latest windows version (If windows 10 isn't here select Windows 8), Press "Apply" & OK. Go back to the "Live" Folder above "VALORANT" you should find a folder called "ShooterGame" click on it, click on "Binaries" Folder, Click on "Win64" Folder, Scroll down you should find an Application File called "VALORANT-Win64-Shipping" Press and right click on it, Press properties, and do the same thing we done to the "VALORANT" file.
3. Open up your task manager, Go to "Details" tab, scroll down look for a "RiotClientServices" folder, Right click on it press "Set priority", make it Above Normal or High. Exit out.
4. After go to your Computer Search Bar and type in "edit the system environment variables" you should get a Control Panel option, click on it, Go to "Advanced" tab, press "Enviroment Variables..." Click "New" for User Variables not System Variables, Make the Variable Name "– OPENSSL_ia32cap" and Variable Value "~0x200000200000000". press OK, then OK again, then OK again.
4. Make sure to have your Graphic Drivers up to date & have the recent driver updated, If you're not sure how, Go to your search bar and look up "Device Manager" look for "Display Adapters" double click on it, Right click on your graphic card and chose "Update Driver" select "Search automatically for Drivers".
5. Press and hold "Windows key + R" type in "services(place a dot)msc" inside the box, Press the V key to find the "vgc" Service, Double click on the vgc service, make the "Startup Type:" "Automatic" And press "Start" for the Service Status.
6. Restart your PC
1. Go to your Computer Search bar and look up "Task Manager", Look for any related Valorant, Riot Games, or Vanguard apps and right click on them and click "End Task".
2. Open your file explorer, Select the Disk your valorant game is installed in, Press "Riot Games" folder, Press "VALORANT" Folder, Press "Live" Folder, Then you should find the "VALORANT" Application File, Press SHIFT + Right Click the file and select "Properties", select the "Compatibility" Tab, Press and Check the "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations" & "RUn this program as an administrator". Check the "Run this program in Compatibility Mode", Select the latest windows version (If windows 10 isn't here select Windows 8), Press "Apply" & OK. Go back to the "Live" Folder above "VALORANT" you should find a folder called "ShooterGame" click on it, click on "Binaries" Folder, Click on "Win64" Folder, Scroll down you should find an Application File called "VALORANT-Win64-Shipping" Press and right click on it, Press properties, and do the same thing we done to the "VALORANT" file.
3. Open up your task manager, Go to "Details" tab, scroll down look for a "RiotClientServices" folder, Right click on it press "Set priority", make it Above Normal or High. Exit out.
4. After go to your Computer Search Bar and type in "edit the system environment variables" you should get a Control Panel option, click on it, Go to "Advanced" tab, press "Enviroment Variables..." Click "New" for User Variables not System Variables, Make the Variable Name "– OPENSSL_ia32cap" and Variable Value "~0x200000200000000". press OK, then OK again, then OK again.
4. Make sure to have your Graphic Drivers up to date & have the recent driver updated, If you're not sure how, Go to your search bar and look up "Device Manager" look for "Display Adapters" double click on it, Right click on your graphic card and chose "Update Driver" select "Search automatically for Drivers".
5. Press and hold "Windows key + R" type in "services(place a dot)msc" inside the box, Press the V key to find the "vgc" Service, Double click on the vgc service, make the "Startup Type:" "Automatic" And press "Start" for the Service Status.
6. Restart your PC
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
Have you tried? I deny to believe you've done this in 5 minutes.
i did this before, i saw in a yt vid, it did absolutely nothign the same problem occurs
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
No it’s not from YouTube. I took a look at someone’s else crash folder he’s having the same issue and I did some testings and this method works. It basically make sure the Riot Servers are running properly and that valorant is also running properly and running as admin. And other stuff.
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Just tried this After pressing play, I'm prompted to ask whether or not I should allow BootstrapPackagedGame to make changes
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
No description
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
This is what I'm prompted with afterwards
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
there is an error in ur VALORANT . exe file.
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
No description
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\VALORANT.exe
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Right, I'm there
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
Disable β€œRun this program in compatibility mode for:” and try β€œChange Settings for all users.” Also do troubleshooting
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Tried it, didn't work
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
are you restarting your pc?
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Prior to having this issue, I had accidentally downloaded a virus - PC booster updater
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
<:CH_CatSadThumb:812236608128024616> Welp.
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Though, I've already removed the virus using many different antimalware softwares Yes, but I can go ahead and try again
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
Well did the virus in any way damage your game? or pc
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
No, it was on for maybe 20 minutes And I checked, it doesn't dmg your pc
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
It just prompts your pc with notifications
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
anyways, I’m heading to bed. I can help you tomorrow in the morning.
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
You can ping me to remind me.
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
You’re maybe having a different issue.
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
provide me with more details of ur issue and ill take a look tomorrow ill take a look tomorrow.
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
@Deleted User 7dg36792
burgerβ€’16mo ago
i've tried it now and it didn't work bruh
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
are you running valorant as administrator? also do u have vanguard installed?
burgerβ€’16mo ago
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
Okay please press & hold Windows Key + R and type in "%localappdata%" find the valorant folder and click on it, click on the "Live" folder, click on the "Crashes" folder and please send me the crashes folders so I can take a further view of the issue you're running into.
burgerβ€’16mo ago
No description
burgerβ€’16mo ago
there. @Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
Send me the Folders not the files inside so I can take a look at the crash codes
burgerβ€’16mo ago
No description
burgerβ€’16mo ago
is that enough or do you want me to send them all for you
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
delete all of them and then launch ur game then if the issue continues check if an error folder popped up
burgerβ€’16mo ago
ok yes it did
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
how many folders
burgerβ€’16mo ago
Deleted User 7dg36792
Deleted User 7dg36792β€’16mo ago
send it
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Let me know what worked for him
burgerβ€’16mo ago
No description
burgerβ€’16mo ago
i've launched twice and 2 folders got created
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Delete both, launch again just once Send the file that pops up
burgerβ€’16mo ago
No description
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Valorant support responded to me I'll try out the fixes they provided me and let you guys know what worked for me if you're still having the issue
burgerβ€’16mo ago
did the game launch?
Anakinioβ€’16mo ago
Yeah, it worked Turned out, all I had to do was delete one of my anti-malware programs It was preventing me from Launching Valorant I ended up deleting all my anti-malware programs except for windows deffender
burgerβ€’16mo ago
ah i see can you help me
51β€’16mo ago
Don’t use bing
Deleted User 4gsHyz5 7inHt
that's crazy. If you're in NA, I'll play with you some time if you want, just shoot me a DM in about 6 hours from now and I should be available then