Windows 10 TPM and Secure Boot error
Im getting a TPM and secure boot error and I cant play the game because my computer does not have a TPM how can I fix this? I know this is an issue for windows 11 but my computer is windows 10 and cant be upgraded

23 Replies
@1hlyWhat your windows version
and do you have secure boot activated?
i have secure boot on and updated my windows (still windows 10)
I am now only getting the VAN RESTRICTION for TPM 2.0
my computer does not have a tpm

@1hlywhat your specs?
and mobo

for bios update
enabled PTT instead
Nice 👍
you can update your bios?
How you enabled ptt
I got a click BIOS 4
Without an TPM
look at ur motherboard webnbsite
and look for driver
and update your mobo to the most recent
its simple really

is this it?

do i download bios
do i download the bios or driver

what motherboard do u use
do NOT update your BIOS unless your computer is not working properly
(all together not just for valorant)
I use Click bios 4 z97 gaming