valorant download
Hi guys. I'm trying to get valorant. it says i have the game and riot client on my pc and they both take up 31.3 GB. When I try to open valorant, it takes me to the riot client menu and tells me to update valorant. when i try to update it, it says i dont have enough free space. does anyone know how much gb i will need to free up? (I currently have 8.81 GB free FYI)
10 Replies
Arround 30 gb
ok thanks
Riot client need 31gb and valorant idk but free 50gb incase and see if its correct
Make sure you free a little more space
Riot clients itself is not 30 gigs. i think you where downloading valorant but it got paused cause your drive was at full capacity
just free some space
en install valorant again
should work
I see it on uninstall
30gb riot client and valorant 8gb i think
I see it
Riot client need more
Than valorant
Yeah thats not right man. Its a client to run your game.. 30 gigs for a client is like enormous
Fully delete all files and start from the beginning.

Just looked it up for ya
Looks lile multiple people have it where it says riot clients takes 30 gigs
but its just a bug looks like since a while
@yusuf.jpg yep its a visual bug
yep i got my valorant working now, thanks for the help 🙂