rank system
How does climbing in this game work exactly I’m not even sure how it is bc in iron I lose 16 points I hit bronze and every loss is 30 points and a win is like 16 can someone explain why that is
18 Replies
you prob have bad mmr
How so??🤔I’m confused asf
its when you play against lower ranks
so you gain less and lose more
because the game doesnt think you deserve your rank
Bruh I play with my friend and they are silver bronze3-silver
Still lose that much
i said against
also if you queue with other people it will mess up matchmaking too so
Kda matters too just so you know
game gave me silver 1 for my first rank and then they put me up against gold demons
valorant tests whether you deserve your rank or not
i got placed b2 first time i was playing and went up against high silver - low gold
i think you can predict how that went
if you do good however your mmr will increase and it’ll be easier to rank up
because they placed u the wrong rank
basically, whenever you win, the game makes your mmr (hidden rating) higher. how you perform in those games affects the mmr gain
if you do bad but you win games and rank up, the game doesnt think you deserve your rank and will make you lose more
thats also why you win less rr
no shit mf
if you want to keep your skins and stuff you js have to have better mechanics
all u need in iron
even if your mmr is dog you can still win games
work on calm aim dont panic aim
range: easy bots use vandal
burst fire then press a or d and then aim to the new bot and shoot
3x tdm
1st one work on warming up
2nd one work on making headshots
3rd one try burst firing and moving (counterstrafing) (search it up)
it might sound hard and pointless in low elo but good movement and aim will carry u to gold fr
if you still cant get out of bronze just make a new account since ur mmr is prob just fucked
bro is fluent in yapanese
stfu hop off the meat
nahhh edited is crazy
insecure af mf
or ig a mod forced u to change it or u got server kicked
at least i was tryna help the guy u js talking shit for no reason
bro your first message was "no shit mf" after i answered the literal question
whatever tf you said if off topic asf
you are indeed yapping
the original said "stfu stop hop off the meat"
if u dont believe me u can use the betterdiscord plugin

yeah fr talking shit