Crosshair Maker
Hello, guys! I would like to add a "ruler" to my crosshair, basically manipulate the crosshair outlines or something, in order to add some marks to them to help me with my aiming (for mollies on Viper)

17 Replies
Is it possible?
no its not you need a third party to do that
ah alright. then my option is to memorize something for reference
but when you mention third party, what do you mean?
is there another program to implement this on my screen? that overlaps with valorant screen?
an app that can make you ban
oh? illegal app?
just be like everyone else do it with the feeling
ahh okay
but is it against actual terms of use to use something like that?
like to actually use something so that a ruler shows
i already saw people get ban for this
oh? they did that and they got banned?
okay. i will then create my own method to calculate
thanks for telling me
not for this but the app that give you the way to make this is bannable
so the APP is the problem
it's considered a cheat
yeah just do it with feeling dont worry
yeah vanguard dont like third party
you only can do it with external apps that may be bannable
however you can somehow calculate with normal ruler?
i made my own ruler
from transparent tape
and stuck it to my screen
but after playing some games with it, i decided it's better if i just go with the feeling
i mean you can stick with regular ruler for some time
then memorize it