Hello, it's been a few days since i got this problem, my game is freezing almost every 5 to 10 seconds, dropping from 144 fps to 2 or 60 or whatever value. I reinstalled entirely the game, updated drivers, updated computer... but still nothing. Also it's worth mentioning that I only have this problem with Valorant because In cod mw3 i have no issues and the game is perfectly fine running on high graphics
Also those freezes also happen in the lobby with the champion animation so tis not only ingame
If you have any tips or any ways to fix that lmk
15 Replies
cap your FPS
play on lower resolution
change to lowest graphics
if its still freezing submit a support ticket to Riot
tried to cap at 144, 120, 60 same thing
tried with max graphics and lowest graphics, same hing
last time i played it was 1 week ago and i didnt have those issues
pc specs?
3050, ryzen 5 3600x
yep its annoying
maybe uninstall the Riot client entirely and reinstall it
and on games that require even more for my pc, it works perfectly fine
yep did that already xd
idk man I play on worser specs than you
I have an i7 11700k and integrated gpu
yeah idk why its happening
its painful to play
submit a ticket to riot and ask maybe?
yeah doing it rn
at most I can think is your task manager has unwanted background processes so you could check and close some before playing
hope you find a solution to your issue ๐
i usually leave it always open but yeah its been a week since the processor is used at 30% instead of 20 when i play
so its kinda weird
Heyy I got you,
On Windows 11, navigate to Settings > System > Display > Graphics > Change Default Graphics Settings and turn off "Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling." This should fix it.