VALORANT14mo ago

how many games do i have to play to reduce afk penalties?

i was wondering exactly how many games or how long i have to play valorant without any afks to reduce my penalties? I have very very very bad internet sometimes and valorant even crashes on it's own mid comp game. it is very frustrating because it usually doesn't crash, however, recently i've been not loading into games (but i can still hear my team mates vc). to solve this problem, i've had to close valorant and open it up again. This has made me receive multiple penalties and warnings in the past. i wish to keep playing valorant with my friends and have a good time. i am worried i will crash or my valorant will freeze up for no reason again and my account will be perma banned. I do not wish this as i've spent too much money on my account. my penalties has mostly been just been afks, valorant says i need to play more games without afks, however i don't know how many games that is. I am submitting this request as yesterday I've played around 15 games of comp or so and about 10 ish more of non-comp games WITHOUT any afksHowever, when my power went out unexpectantly for this 1 comp game i played, I logged back on today this afternoon, i have received a ranked restriction for a week and a queue timer restriction for an hour and a half. I am worried any crashes out of my control that can happen could lead my account being permanently being banned. pls anyone help me <:emb_whine:967929108619210824>
18 Replies
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
Whoa, whoa, whoa, I don't wanna get banned! How do you determine which penalty to apply?
Don't worry, Agent. As I said before, our systems are in place to protect, not punish. That's why game bans are reserved for repeat offenders who have ignored prior warnings and penalties. If you have a clean (or mostly clean) record, you're unlikely to face much—if any—punishment. The easiest way to avoid any penalties at all is to stay in the game and aim for the enemy.
My friend and I both went AFK in the same game, but I got a harsher penalty! What gives?!
Penalties are less about singular violations and more about the sum of your history as an Agent. That's why even small infractions can add up over time to a harsher penalty. So if you're receiving harsher penalties than your friend, it is likely because you have a history of said behavior.
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
<:logo_VALORANT:685247196979134495> ~ Valorant Support article: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044270174-Be-on-Your-Best-Behavior
Be on Your Best Behavior
You’ve been tasked with the acquisition of a precious resource, holding your own fight after fight, and securing the enduring dominance of the entire planet. You can see why we’re holding you to so...
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
TL:DR There is no amount of matches that can reduce the penalty. It’s calculated based on: * Offense level * Offense history * Time between offenses Using the link below, if you get banned, as you see it as unfair, you can appeal the ban and discuss it with Valorant’s support team <:logo_VALORANT:685247196979134495> ~ Official Valorant Ticket System: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
vuiykoOP14mo ago
about offense history, if i already have a pretty bad history, is there anyway to make it clean again or do i just have to keep playing valorant without any afks or offenses for a long time to make it "clean" again?
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
Nop You will always have it
vuiykoOP14mo ago
ohhhh okay
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
You can reduce it by not going afk remember. One of the calculations is time between penalties. So just aim at the enemy and stay in game :)!
vuiykoOP14mo ago
if i just quit playing the game for like a month or 2 (or longer) and the first game i play, i afk will i get banned?
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
Unsure I am not a support team member with your history. So I don’t know how the auto calculation would work in that situation
vuiykoOP14mo ago
yes, but i randomly crash or my game freezes so i am a bit scared of queuing after i finish waiting for my restriction
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
Right, you can always appeal however with the link above ⬆️
vuiykoOP14mo ago
hmmm do i just have to reduce it by playing any game mode without going afk or is it just in comp? (as ive been mostly been playing comp recently and thats how i got my penalty)
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
I don't see anything about a specific game mode
vuiykoOP14mo ago
okay thank you 🫰 . ill js play on another account cry
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
Keep this in mind
Yes, using an alternative account while being banned on another account in Valorant is strictly against their terms and conditions and can lead to a permanent ban. Valorant has a zero-tolerance policy towards cheating or using any unfair means to gain an advantage in the game
vuiykoOP14mo ago
Is being restricted from comp count as being banned? i can still log into the account, i can play all other game modes apart from comp tho
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
Personally, I wouldn’t play semantics But yes, a restriction is typically different from a game ban I wouldn’t risk it
vuiykoOP14mo ago
hmmm okay then <:Omen_Cry:1159446150747783188>

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