Created by vuiyko on 1/24/2024 in #community-help
how many games do i have to play to reduce afk penalties?
i was wondering exactly how many games or how long i have to play valorant without any afks to reduce my penalties? I have very very very bad internet sometimes and valorant even crashes on it's own mid comp game. it is very frustrating because it usually doesn't crash, however, recently i've been not loading into games (but i can still hear my team mates vc). to solve this problem, i've had to close valorant and open it up again. This has made me receive multiple penalties and warnings in the past. i wish to keep playing valorant with my friends and have a good time. i am worried i will crash or my valorant will freeze up for no reason again and my account will be perma banned. I do not wish this as i've spent too much money on my account. my penalties has mostly been just been afks, valorant says i need to play more games without afks, however i don't know how many games that is. I am submitting this request as yesterday I've played around 15 games of comp or so and about 10 ish more of non-comp games WITHOUT any afksHowever, when my power went out unexpectantly for this 1 comp game i played, I logged back on today this afternoon, i have received a ranked restriction for a week and a queue timer restriction for an hour and a half. I am worried any crashes out of my control that can happen could lead my account being permanently being banned. pls anyone help me <:emb_whine:967929108619210824>
26 replies
Created by vuiyko on 11/6/2023 in #community-help
can you be friends with a cheater?
i was playing a swift with a rando asc 2 guy and in the middle of the swift, a cheater was detected, coincidentally after the red cheater screen popped up; my in-game friend left my party. I was wondering if i would be unfriended by default assuming the person i was playing with was a cheater. or was it just a coincidence that my friend happened to just log off when the screen popped up? i was just curious because i'm still friends with the guy and i queued up another swift and one of the enemy players on the other team from the previous game was on my team, they said that they had a feeling that someone on my team was hacking the game before
6 replies