VALORANT16mo ago

Got robbed of my rank up game

I just finished a ranked game, its my rank up game, and I get the match details cant be loaded thing. It's been 5 minutes and somehow and I check my career the game wasn't recorded, it's as if I never played the game at all. Can this be fixed? or at least checked out? It was after this Gekko game, It's a Sova Fracture game, dropped like 20K I think. And it ain't in my career. I reloaded the game, I even checked trackernet to see if it was recorded, I found nothing.
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10 Replies
6xed16mo ago
it will load. you can check your tracker to verify
Bino16mo ago
how long would it take?
6xed16mo ago
not too long is it still missing?
me16mo ago
You may need to restart the client. It may be caching the match history.
Bino16mo ago
sorry for the late reply, I just woke up. Yeah its hasn't shown up since last night, which was like 8 hours ago or so
me16mo ago
Damn. U can prbly complain to Riot support. Usually the worst that happens is the match doesn't show up immediately, and u need to restart as it won't re-GET the match history in that session. If a match is gone, you should be able to hit up Riot support and post the tracker.gg match that's missing.
M1uko16mo ago
r!ot is al5rady sh9t idk what to say its not worth to contact them for u9seless support there s9e#ual st8ff meybe s!9mping in o9ly f4ns or something
Bino16mo ago
ok thanks ill still try tho
M1uko16mo ago
let me know what happends
Bino16mo ago
ok I'll tell y'all