Random fps
Literally from day to day i have random fps, one day i can sit around 900fps but another day it drops down to about 600, i know it isn't that noticeable, but during competetive, when i normally have 400 fps and it drops down to 200, and when there are a bunch of utilities on the screen it drops down to 100, if i had those 400 fps i'd be down to only 200fps, so why on a "good" day i have normal fps but on different day i have lower fps?

40 Replies
show your video settings

not to sure about pc stuff but ur pc could be bottlenecking

both cpu and gpu are overlocked so the bottleneck for sure isn't there, never had this kind of a problem in other games ever before and to be clear it started happening like 2 weeks ago and never before
possibly a bunch of background applications when you run valorant
when that happens to me I just restart
turn off vsync . and turn off everything at bottom
and set anti aliasing to 4x
not 8x
no wonder u are lagging
How the fuck is your fps that high with those specs
I get around 200 with a 2080ti and a Ryzen 9 3900x
might have smt to do with them overclocking
in range i think
for the 900 fps at lesat
well newer generation of hardware as well as shit ton of opzimilizations
alguem br aq?
Wtf I get around 250 fps with a 1050 oc and i5 4th gen 

can someone help
whenever I open valorant it blue screens
what are you in game settings?
all low 

It doesn’t matter what I sent mine at, they’re all the same
it has to do something with the gpu usage, when its sitting around 40% i get those 600fps bet then it somehow manages to get to 70% it gets to 900fps i have no idea what causes this but now i know its because of the gpu usage
u play on high setting bro
it really doesnt change anything when lowering the settings
me casually playing on a capped 100fps
me playing on a cap of 30 fps on a laptop
i have a ryzen 9 5950X and rtx 3060
I get like 600 max in the range
i need to know your optimization methods
1% resolution B)
i have all my video settings low
Ur bottlenecking I think
How u got a 5950x with a 3060
Ig it doesn’t really matter since valorant is a cpu heavy game
Is ur anti aliasing and anisotropic filtering on lowest too
Turn to 1x and off
You’ll get better fps
but enemies gets pixelated when they're far
And also make sure ur fps is capped to atleast 30 fps higher than ur refresh rate
Ah do u play on low res?
low yes
What’s ur res
Cuz I play on 1920x 1080 with a Rtx 3050ti and i5 12700k
And I get 200 fps
No drops usually
i can get 200 fps constant
apparently 39% of GPU is bottleneck
Yeah but you have much much better specs
i should put back my ryzen 5 back
I think bottlenecking is the issue, maybe upgrade to a better gpu when possible
I think for valorant no since valorant is a cpu heavy game
However idk how much the gpu bottlenecking is affecting the other components
3070 is 12% bottlenecking
if i didnt spend money on valorant, i would be able to get a 3080 xD
i would be able to get a 4080 or smt