VAN: Restriction
I finished a comp game, decided to restart my computer, relaunched Valorant. Now this error comes up.

19 Replies
Motherboard: Intel DP67BG
Processor: I7-2600k
Windows 10 Pro
@ashdott MSI SeaHawk GTX 1080
do you have secure boot on?
I'm getting the same issue idk what to do
mainly older computers who are slow arent able to get TPM 2.0, similar thing to apple slowing down older phones with new software updates, aka forcing you to buy new stuff
I've played the game since beta and never had issues with anything. It all started yesterday
same here^^^
My motherboard does not have secureboot
my friend is having the same issue, we played fine two days ago then the next day she tried to on she got the error
yeah im not sure what is causeing it! I dont have either of those options on my computer because its old af.
This is a joke, so much to get shit to work. This is the kind of stuff that makes console gaming appealing
please help!
The only thing I see about fixing it is changing some bios bullshit, we're just gonna wait and home valorant fixes it in an update soon 

Yup and my bios does have true boot now is my computer tpm 2.0 compatible
Bump!!! Still no luck 😦
maybe this can help
Tutorials Expert
How To Fix TPM 2.0 Error on Valorant (Windows 10/11) | 2023 Easy
🔥 Learn How To Fix TPM 2.0 Error on Valorant (Windows 10/11) in 2023!🔥
Encountering a Valorant TPM 2.0 error on Windows 11? You're not alone! In this video, we'll address this common issue, explaining what TPM 2.0 is and how to make Valorant and Vanguard work seamlessly with it.
✅ What You'll Discover in This Video:
-Understanding TPM 2.0 and ...
Heyy!! I got this error the other day as well! It took me sometime to fix it but you gotta look up your exact mobo and see how to change the bios settings to secure boot and TPM
If you want some help I wouldn’t mind trying to help :) it was so frustrating for me and it took me a couple days to figure it out lol
My motherboard does not have the options for secure boot or TPM.
Is there anyone from RIOT that can help me please!?!
I googled your mobo and in the official intel manual there’s an explaination on where the secure boot setting would be. You might need to disable something first to see the secure boot option ( usually disable legacy or something) I could be wrong but that worked for me
I couldnt find anything in the manual, im looking now
You may have had the wrong manual, I just read through it and I couldn't find anything.
I appreaciate everyones help on this btw!
I just wish someone had my exact issue
would it help if I posted more details (screenshots) of my system?
if you could tell show me how your bios looks it woud help a lot
becouse i managed to fix the error with that vid
if you have a cellphone
send pics so we can help you with it