VGC stopped every 3minutes
VGC keeps crashing every 3 minutes that gives me van 1067 error i tried reinstalling vanguard and valorant still does not work i created ticket in the website reply was so slow and each reply took 1 day and they gave me methods to fix non works any solution so frustated i just bought a new knife because my dream knife finally appeared in my market and now i cant even play this error only occured in the new 8.0 patch but before the patch game works absolutely fine
224 Replies
still no reply <:Gekko_Wingman_Sad:1154719030557540371>
do u have antivirus running
they conflict with vanguard
disable or add to whitelist
ok ill try
but first ill try this

this won't fix the problem
the game will still kick u out
bcuz vanguard was stopped in the middle
opera gx 💀
why with opera gx?
yea vgc still crash
def malware
click on the trayicon arrow, what's there? do u have antivirus?
i didnt install a thing this whole week

i only use windows defender
even Google Chrome is better than opera gx
i just use it because it has built in ad blocker ahahha
and vpn
u can use those in literally every browser
use uBO
good 4 u
it also has this for quick stuff

back to the problem
i disabled windows defender didnt work
restart, and close everything there
yea i also tried those because the riot support told me to do that and i did but didnt work and its been a day and they still havent replied
disable fastboot
then restart again
idk what do u have on ur pc
or somewhat misconfigured
u can give out a try to reinstall
be sure to delete leftovers so it's clean and nothing will be msconfigured
none like i mean none since the last patch ive been out in the wild touching grass and just this jan 13 i got back and tried playing valorant because the new 8.0 patch got out i update and play then boom that stuff greeted me
yea i already did but it didnt work
pretty sure u didn't delete leftovers before reinstallat
last patch didnt have this problem like no problem
i did delete all i even go to my c and d drive to double check and no trace of riot client valorant and vgc is there i also deleted the configs for the game in appdata no luck still the same
program files, program data
%appdata% and %localappdata%
yea that is where riot client went which i deleted
They're covered within the uninstallation
but files in %appdata% and %localappdat% arent
yea already cleaned it found a guide on how to cleanly unninstall it and a youtuber also told me what to do
i also tried disabling HYPER V
which didnt also work
hyper v is disabled by default, no?
i also tried to check if i have TPM2.0 which i dont because my cpu does not support it and i tried to check if i have secure boot which i have in default cant even turn it off i just have the settings to edit what secure boot does but dont have the option to disable secure boot
i use it back then for mobile app programming but now i disabled it because we now on pc app programming
which i dont need because hyper is only for virtualization or emulation
secure boot only does thing during bootup
what's ur mobo?
well it actually has nothing to do with the issue
i forgot the exact unit but i know its asus
u can check in msinfo32
can u see vgc crashing in event viewer?

yea wait ill send

not that one
that log indicated vgc was started again after failing
as u set restart the service for automatic recovery
yea ill try to find the old one where it just crashes with no automatic etc

tryna find whats the reason
same i also did a clean boot where you disable everything in the startup but didnt work
im not sure whats causing the problem
u might have modified something we dont know
pretty sure the problem will be fixed if u reinstall windows completely
i deleted chrome in my windows
also at here, look administrative events
yea i found a reddit post where they reinstalled windows and it fixed the problem but for me its tedious as i have so many file in my c drive like saved codes and my golden treasure of 50+ tabs in opera gx
left side
at the sidebar

ahhhh i miss playing valorant with the bois
thats the default custom views included, it has all important logs on it, ugh, lets say summary of them
its better to check out administrative events first
what should i check in there the only thing i found is the VGC
literally every critical error
i found something interesting everytime VGC crashes it has this
below it

every time VGC crashes it has this below it but in others it does not have it
can be corrupted windows dll files
or drivers
u are on stock windows right
stock windows?
yea im now checking drivers

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
sfc /scannow
Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted sys...
Describes how to use the System File Checker tool to troubleshoot missing or corrupted system files in Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 or Windows Vista.
well, u dont really need this if u arent checking for a windows image
for now im just doing the sfc

do i need this?

it says restart pc
time to restart
it found something?
dunno it just says in the guide to restart
ill try now
also i found that VGC does not crash if valorant is not open but it crashes every 3min when val is opened
vgc wouldnt even run
when the game isnt running
that one running is vgk
wut but i can manualy run vgc
makes no sense
like i saw VGC in services i dont even have vgk only vgc
i can manually run it stop it or restart it
vgk is a kernel drive
not service
sc query vgk
sc qeury vgc

yea no luck
i see
man im tired its 4:24am here i have class at 8am ill sleep. this is the 3rd day of me trying to fix this error it feels dumb for an ANTI CHEAT to crash and you need to reinstall windows to fix it super feels dumb just hit me up if you find something, also thanks for your time dude i really appreciate it than the support that takes 1 whole day to reply with just 1 method to fix and not even working
the problem has to do with ur windows

i just woke up and im on school ill try this later after class
still does not work
Bro..... u already solved the problem
Also vgc and vgk have been updated
So that's why in ur previous patch valo was working fine
But now it can't
Try doing it
U also need vgk to run valo
Did u run SFM and DISM scans? @CopyCat

After this restart ur computer
having tpm 2.0 required in a cpu to play valorant just sounds dumb for billion dollar game company who just wants money but limits their customer
already did if you backread
At this point I recommend u to clean boot windows.......
already did if you backread hahahaha
also it seems you can still run valorant even if you dont have tpm 2.0 based on the riot support website
only if your cpu does not support it
I have an idea
Just submit a ticket to support saying that u are getting error Id 1000
Everytime u play valo for a few minutes
And u have tried everything but it still doesn't work
hmm i think what they need is the error in valorant not the error in system but ill try
The error is of the system

It's the system

my ticket is now so long
and my attachments
reinstall windows try that

this reset feature just write the files over ur existing ones
to make sure everything works, reinstall using usb
well u can also do it without an usb drive, just simply burn the iso and run setup.exe
reinstalling windows seems to be a sure fire way to solve it but it just means all my data on my main drive will get deleted so for now i refrain from reseting my pc and right now trying to find another way instead of reseting
i keep getting van 1067 as well T-T
when did the issue start?
since the 8.0 patch
check first if vgc crashes on you if not maybe yours can be solved rather more easier
just put ur main files
in a usb
im talking about my tabs and codes and someother stuff like reinstalling .netframework updating windows
and more

its such a hassle especially for me who has limited and slow wifi connection
ur os is windows 10 or under right
If u are not on windows 11
then u don't need to enable tpm 2.0
if I'm correct
also do u have updated drivers

have u done this?
make it automatic
then press ok
then ipconfig /flushdns in admin cmd
then netsch winsock
u can manually update display adapters just in case
device manager --> display adapter --> ur video card pops up ---> right click ---> update driver
search automatically

yes windows and all my drivers are all updated
i havent done this but i already did the automatic one but ill try its better trying than reseting

yea didnt work i just tried
my gpu is already updated but thanks for the info
Adz adverse
The only FULL working fix on Youtube - Valorant Anti cheat reboot a...
Over 1,300 comments and thousands of people helped. The only full fix on Youtube, taken solutions from Valorant developers and a variety of Reddit posts. Anti-cheat reboot error fix and incorrect function error code 1.
Btw for all those asking - yes my nickname is Adz
Sorry for the resolution and watermark, made this really quickly and merged ...
ill try this later
u can backup them to another drive or partition
it's netsh my guy
also this thing has nothing to do with network
dumb way to update ur drivers
drivers through WU sucks
download manually from ur manufacturer website
yea i have amd so i can just check for update the amd drivers
i also thought that but ehh ive been doing everystuff why not try it out
what's ur bandwidth?
dunno <:Gekko_Wingman_Sad:1154719030557540371>
how do i buckup my tabs and game saved files
results in mbits/8 = mbytes
config files are usually in %localappdata%
i only use mobile data that can atleast run valorant at stable 30 to 60ms
damn ok
I see ur reason now
my browser tabs? and some game files saved data?
u can export them
in ur browser settings
does OPERA GayX support that?
tabs won't be included, but histories will
every browser should have that feature
sad i need my juicy 50+ tabs <:Gekko_Wingman_Sad:1154719030557540371>
ill try this later i need to sleep now try watching it and give me your thoughts
90% of them being stackoverflow🤯
me who uses chatgpt <:Brim_HideThePain:1019655986178445313>
well all my tabs are just some pirating websites and some adult stuff so maybe ill find a way to back it up if i ever giveup on this stuff and just reinstall windows
ok man why do u need them 24/7
bros cooking 24/7
have you ever felt the feeling of trying to remove a tab then your brain says "YOU MIGHT NEED EM LATER" yea that
opera gx always takes about 2 to 3gb of ram
no way u said they're adult stuff
replayability <:Gekko_Wingman_Pat:1154719023758577684>
its like watching shows if the show is good youll have the urge to watch it and watch it again and again until you get tired of it <:Brim_HideThePain:1019655986178445313>
download them 😎
i use limited data though i dont have unlimited wifi
im about to go insane on this VGC stuff riot support is so lazy its been 2 days still no reply on my ticket
indeed it does suck but it is an option

wahhh it still doesnt work i wanna play valorant!! <:val_SadCat:735920361325199420>
I talked to gamerdoc (senior anti cheat analyst at riot) about it, I had the same issue too
In my case it was a unique issue
Gamerdoc had a lot of riot engineers review the issue and they couldnt rly find anything
I sold my pc and bought a new 1
I had the issue from september 2023 till this month
Riot support wont do anything, dont bother with that
IF none of the solutions u find work, backup ur files and reformat windows, if that fails try playing with tpm disabled if ur on win10, if that fails u can try replacing parts that are under warranty
None of these worked for me tho
Just bought a new pc after reselling old one
Im just speakin from my experience tho @CopyCat
imagine working at riot and being a anti cheat analyst and still dont know shit about whats happening in the anti cheat seems like Normal Riot Employee
im actually going to try to just clean my pc and just test 1 by 1 all my components just maybe you know hoping its just a faulty hardware stuff at this point im even willing to reformat my windows its just that i dont have a wifi i only use data and i dont have a flashdrive to flash the Windows 10 into my pc
w CopyCat

Thats pretty much what I was hoping too
And no, gamerdoc tried his best to help, its just such a rare issue that they dont have the data to truly figure it out
Understandable honestly

@CopyCat thats pretty much what gamerdoc told me after a few weeks of digging
Even after takin remote access of my pc thru anydesk, couldn't rly find shit
At the end i was pretty much told to buy a new pc and sell my current 1 cuz i alrdy replaced mobo, ram, etc. Multiple times
Tho if ur individually testing hardware by hardware, u should find the issue probs
I just didnt wanna bother testing my cpu and shit after alrdy spending 400$ to swap shit out
Might as well sell and buy a new pc
its netsh
man RIOT DEVS thinking everyone is rich <:Gekko_Wingman_Sad:1154719030557540371>
Can you install a software named hwinfo
For some reason, no one confimed that tpm 2.0 in on
I can confirm
Tpm 2.0 was on
For me
And tpm wasnt the issue for me, swapped my whole ass mobo
If u want him to confirm tpm
Cant u use the tpm msc thing
Or system information
tpm 2.0 is not available on win 10 according to riot support page
hwinfo would show deeper info
Windows 10 has nothing to do with tpm
also my cpu does not support tpm but i still managed to run valorant for 1 year until 8.0 patch though
Tpm 2.0 is available on windows 10
Yea in my case, tpm wasnt the issue.. if ur case is anything like mine, its hardware
Tpm only actly matters on win11
(For val)
tpm is not the issue for me too ive researched my cpu and stuff to really know if i have tpm and turns out my cpu doesn't
TPM also know as Trusted Platform Module is used to securely create and store cryptographic keys
We know what tpm is
In my case, even gamerdoc said tpm is clearly not the issue
Your case*
They have clearly stated the same
i cant i shut my pc off and im in bed coping my inability to play valorant
Their case seems identical so far lol, ik ur tryna help but eh
If copycat did anywhere near as much research as I did about the topic, the information given here would seem plainly repetitive
Wtv tho, u do u saucy
Ima go
thanks guys hoping riot can just stop using vgc as it seems trash
They wont
When your ready, install and run hwinfo

ill do it later its 4am here i have exam at 8 am need to rest this vgc stuff has occupied my brain cells i dont think i have enough for my studies
please ping me, when your ready

They sent me that 3 times before I met gamerdoc, then they either stop messaging or repeat previous instructions
so i just tested all of my components and all of them are working properly and the error is still the same i barrowed my friends i3 and a gpu gtx 1650 and i even swapped my ram each and still the same problem im now confused as fuck is it MOBO or HDD or SSD or its not my components its just vanguard or just my drivers ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Most likely ur ssd as ive also replaced mobo ram etc
Old computer fr
the problem is ur windows
not hardware
hw shouldn't cause problems like this
the event viewer ID 1000 indicated there's something wrong with ur os
Its event viewer id 7031 iirc
Also reformatted windows 21 times on my old pc
how did u "format"
dont use that built in format feature
its stupid
cant clear off things completely
u have different error than him
Bootable usb installation
Wipe the partition
Vgc is unexpectedly terminating, thats the similarity
@CopyCat had posted a image showing that this was error id 1000
Ah alright

what the hell is VBS and HVCI <:Gekko_Wingman_Sad:1154719030557540371> <:Gekko_Wingman_Sad:1154719030557540371> <:Gekko_Wingman_Sad:1154719030557540371> <:Gekko_Wingman_Sad:1154719030557540371>
Virtualization based security, and Hypervisor protected code integrity
security features
u can disable via registry
guess what
well you dont have to we already expected this to happen

Any updates? @CopyCat
well i installed win 11 and thought i could run it even though i dont have tpm 2.0
im currently installing windows 10 because it didnt work
LMFAO ahahhaha so obvious
im trying to find a windows 10 that removes any debloater and all the spyware to optimize my win 10
do you have any recommendation i am also considering AtlasOS and RevOS but right now im trying to find more alternatives as both also removes windows defender
atlas ofc 😛
Have you been able to run valorant yet bud? I’m having the EXACT same issue
i just used debloater and a Spyremover seems like RevOS only support win 21h2 and AtlasOS has some crazy backlash going on so i might wnna stay away for them for now
actually yea i can now play valorant i reinstalled windows 10 this is only for your last resort.
you can backread to see what we did and maybe one of them are the fix but for me its not so try it
I already tried😂 looks like I’m reinstalling win11 lmfaoooo thanks
yea valorant sucks ass need to reinstall your shit just to play so idiotic but its adictive so we just do it
they actually fixed them in the newest release
Did you fixed it? I got it after todays update
nope i've got this since 8.01
not even the same topic
we're talking about custom os
are u change windows 10 to 11
you can update from win 10 to win 11 but only if your cpu and mobo support tpm 2.0 if not then use win 10
but i love 10 how i fixed ?
then you can stay in win 10 you just need to reinstall it but before reinstalling always buckup all your important files and your credentials specially your windows license key
generally, microsoft servers should remember ur motherboard, some newer keys are binded to ur ms account, simply login to activate, u also won't need to worry about laptops that have oem key
so u don't really have to backup ur license key unless u are moving to another pc with diff mobo
Clean install windows 10
Hey I am have the same issue
Any solution
@mythea I need you help
@Crim I am facing the same issue that you are facing can you help me out plsss
i fixed mine by reinstalling my windows but you can try what i did by back reading you can reinstall windows as a last resort