random fps drops

I randomly get fps drops in my game sometimes in the middle ofna match but usually it when i go back to lobby after a match i go from running the game at 60 fps to 17 fps and pnly way to fix it is to restart my pc
5 Replies
Kinito3y ago
background applications probably when you restart they go away
Maybe nut i dont think so cause ive tried to close everything using task manget and im running atlas OS so even less background applications
Kinito3y ago
your pc might just not be very good and struggles at rendering stuff in an actual game
I can run the game at 60fps In the game Real matches just fine but the fps drops After i go to the lobby And start a new match the fps is low Even tho i just played abmatch woth fine fps
vexz3y ago
im having this issue here as well but im using a decent pc w 3060

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