How to fix packet loss

im facing packet loss issues like within 20 misn the packet loss owuld be like around 6000. so is there any way to fix it, i tried watching yt but didnt help much
39 Replies
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
would be glad for some tips to try out
NKplayz6mo ago
Do you use ethernet?
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
no i dont have access to ethernet coz different room from router n wiring will be a pain to handle n i also think im ofthen held back in rank due to often packet loss
NKplayz6mo ago
Has this always been happening?
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
its been like more than 1 yr
NKplayz6mo ago
Do you have lot of people using the wifi?
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
but when i started playin like in 2022 it was not much of a problem nah max 2 or 4 liek devices most of them connect to 2.4g only my lap and maybe my brother's lap is connected to 5g
NKplayz6mo ago
Idk man, you should try to use Ethernet just for a little while to see if you are still getting packet loss
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
ok i will try
Arhab6mo ago
try rebooting your router
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
i have tried didnt help
Arhab6mo ago
theres no other way to fix it
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
No description
Arhab6mo ago
you need to attach ethernet with your router
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
tnx for trying i will try it
Arhab6mo ago
how much mbps do you have?
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
im not sure i think 100 or 150 is the pack
Arhab6mo ago
100 mbps and facing these issues?
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
NKplayz6mo ago
probably because it's wifi
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
i get like 200 often while speed test ig yea
Arhab6mo ago
despite being wifi it shouldn't show any issues i use wifi myself no issues at all
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
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Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
this is the speed im gettin
Arhab6mo ago
either it's your wifi or try getting ethernet
NKplayz6mo ago
damn that is actually amazing speed ngl
Arhab6mo ago
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
just packet loss
Arhab6mo ago
i use 100 mbps so it doesn't really matter how many devices are connected to my router
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
same here tho
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
the spikes coz of packet loss
No description
Geniux6mo ago
das crazy without ethernet
viggs6mo ago
packet loss is usually beacuse of poor internet routing. There is nothing you can try from your end its an ISP thing. You need to ask your ISP to route your internet in accordance with Riot Direct Servers
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
ik but packet loss is the prob well tnx for the ideas
viggs6mo ago
if you need Riot's server info hit me up in DM (i got it thru riot support it self) Or you can ask for the same in Riot Player Support
Arhab6mo ago
you should prolly DM him
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
dmed him
Arhab6mo ago
aight then
Rift Walk
Rift Walk6mo ago
if anyone got any nice tips pls let ,e know n thanks for the time