I have no vanguard
Can anyone help me with this, I have not been able to play valorant for 3 months already because of this. I tried reaching out to player support, but still no info. YouTube tutorials also did not work.

104 Replies
still noone 

re install val?
already did 6 times
make sure the vgk service is set to automatic startup
if it is already on startup, completely delete it in cmd and then retry the update
I dont have a VGK service in my services list
VGC is there though, but it crashes every time I boot up val
they're the same service
ah okay
wym its crashing when you start val though?
Basically, the service will run just fine without any issues but the second I'm in a lobby and open the app in full screen it kicks me due to a "connection error"
I checked in the services and the VGC service appears to have stopped running entirely seconds before the prompt is shown
I checked event viewer but I don't know what to do from here
insane, trying to post the log files just got restricted saying its advertisement?
ha yeah just me typing services .msc yesterday got removed for that too
the vanguard service should set itself to stopped when valorant is closed though
So it's doing the opposite of what it is supposed to do?
here's the event viewer screenshot

0xc0000005 is an access violation iirc
so you probably have something like an antivirus or just a setting in windows that is disallowing vanguard
I use Kaspersky but it shouldn't be the issue because it's ran along it before
i can whitelist Valorant and vanguard though
kaspersky could definitely be the issue
that av is crazy with security xd
i got a new 2tb SSD and cloned my old drive onto it, Kaspersky didn't cause any issues before I did so I'm curious what changed for it to become an issue lol
as with anything in windows there is never an answer
there's so many options within this antivirus its crazy
trying to navigate it all lmao
did you clone windows too or fresh iso?
I cloned windows too
everything works as normal
try running an sfc scan
could be that something corrupted
i just allowed the vgc in the firewall
Restart ur computer
yeah one sec
I've done that at least 30times today lmao
Buy new pc or delete ur windows and download again
its scanning
everything valorant related should be permitted by Kaspersky now
I dont think my password manager or VPN should affect the game right?
I mean ig the vpn could since its a connection error but its not a guarantee
doubt it though since vanguard is crashing and not exiting
the vpn wasnt even on because I hadn't logged in with it yet so I doubt it haha
"Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them."
time to restart and pray <:troll_skull:930098633842503700>
I am going to sob uncontrollably
I made a creation on the Support thread hopefully itll help
where can I find that? sorry
services .msc
find vgc/vck, right click and go into properties and then set the startup type to automatic
theres no vgc/vck in my services for some reason
volumetric audio compositor, volume shadow copy, visual studio standard collector, and virtual disc

does the vanguard folder exist?
e.g C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard equivalent
I searched it up it just errored

don't add the word 'equivalent'
I just said equivalent in case you aren't using a C drive for example
oh ok mb
nah its my fault for writing it in a confusing way
still none neither 

nah not rlly im just dum
huh so vanguard isn't even installed
yea, it wont install for some reason
try opening a cmd as admin and entering
just as a final test
I'm kinda confused as to what the other dependency other than vanguard could be
we could try to have you download the directx runtime and c++ redistributables
im not familiar with technical thingies, where could I do that mb
search for cmd in the windows search bar, right click and choose 'Run as administrator'
is this it?

what next
input the commands from here
do i just copy paste it or do it one by one
one by one
it failed

yup then you 100% sure don't have it on your computer
how do I install it
do they have something prepared like a manual installer
valorant should do it automatically and that's the problem
let's see if getting the directx distributions fixes it first
Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads
This article lists the download links for the latest versions of Visual C++ Redistributable packages.
you want the X64 arch one
done what next
this one?

yup select I agree and then Install
I had to restart
but its done

what next
Microsoft Download Center
DirectX End-User Runtime
The Microsoft DirectX® End-User Runtime installs a number of runtime libraries from the legacy DirectX SDK for some games that use D3DX9, D3DX10, D3DX11, XAudio 2.7, XInput 1.3, XACT, and/or Managed DirectX 1.1. Note that this package does not modify the DirectX Runtime installed on your Windows OS in any way.

yup that download button
this is the only other dependency I can think of that valorant might want
do I keep this

yea its fine
microsoft calling microsoft files dangerous 👍
just making sure cuz I got hacked last time for trying to download terraria apk 💀
what happened

oh nvm
its done
what next
it disappeared
did you not uncheck bing bar?
you might want to remove the bing bar if it did install xd
what bing bar
it says Downloading Bing Bar(TM)
its like an extra program you uncheck when you first open the directx installer
oh what do I do here

I was too brainless when that happened to me I just Reinstalled whole windows and Tried
And yea it worked
accept the agreement
I have to wait a week for my uncle to come do it for me
it went back to this

You could do that in the settings, but yea you should wait for someone who's good at it anything can happen
im downbad rn I havent played for 3 months, ive missed many major updates 

Yea 4 months is a very long time
I've been doing roblox and genshin for the mean time but they're getting boring, I wanna play val again
The easiest way is to Reinstall windows
Hardest way is follow so many steps to sort it out
Microsoft Download Center
DirectX Redist (June 2010)
The Microsoft DirectX® End-User Runtime installs a number of runtime libraries from the legacy DirectX SDK for some games that use D3DX9, D3DX10, D3DX11, XAudio 2.7, XInput 1.3, XACT, and/or Managed DirectX 1.1. Note that this package does not modify the DirectX Runtime installed on your Windows OS in any way.
maybe try this redist instead then if you get the same error
If I hadn't tried to download free terraria, I wouldn't be here rn. Im so dumb 

what to do next

pick some place you want it
make like a folder called directx in program files or something
oh wait I make a folder?
I immediately placed it in D:
is this normal
now it s not moving

if it makes a folder its probably fine
if it doesn't its gonna be a bit cluttered
oh ok
is this okay
the bar still isnt moving
you just keep getting weirder and weirder problems, huh xd
what is this trashy luck 😵
still no move
do I give up and wait 1 week or try again
you could try downloading valorant on epic games
and see if that launcher perhaps downloads the redistributable for you
had to use this method once to get direct x on steam xd
oke ill try
I hope this works
im very down bad