30 Replies
just pick what agent seems more fun for you
the easiest agents to play i would think maybe killjoy or skye
or yeah try them all and have fun
Alright thanks
Who would u say is better?
they all have perks but honestly its up to how your play style is
I’m more like aggressive passive
Then your probably a sentinel , smokes or iniator
Alright thank you
Last think
Can you change ur agent while in training mode?
dow your keyboard have f1 buttons?
on top?
lemme shpw u rq

pressing f2 will bring up this menu

and pressing f3 will have some settings for when you wanna practice

Alright thank you
goodluck and welcome to valorant
try skye (just be careful with the flash)
Yeha I just tried her she is good but flash sometimes flashes me so I gotta be careful when to use it
How should I use jet?
yeah it was also my first agent
i think you should keep jett for when you really understand the game
Ah alr
have a nice time playing valorant
just use jett
don't listen to people who play valorant with music on
Jett is free
oh i thought he was asking which free agent to use