VALORANT•6mo ago

ban warning

Hello, I just started using pheonix and sort of treat him like a healer. His base ability throws a ball of fire onto a surface and I thought that it also healed my team. I was playing with some friends and tried to heal them after they were hit by moshpit. They all took massive damage and I got a ban warning regarding friendly fire. I was looking at riot TOS and saw something about an exception being made if the agent is new. Would it be possible to remove this warning?
10 Replies
globgogagalab•6mo ago
bro its just a warning why r u complaining ur not bannes just dont do it again and ull be fine
nfgh•6mo ago
Lol Just curious Bc my wifi has been weird and this might happen again
globgogagalab•6mo ago
its a diff type of warning
nfgh•6mo ago
I thought they were both afk
globgogagalab•6mo ago
u said u got a warning for friendly ffire
rice enjoyer
rice enjoyer•6mo ago
i got an ace nading my whole team 😄
nfgh•6mo ago
lol sry my brain is so dead rn earlier my graphics driver crashed while i was playing and i got a warning for that too so I was thinking about that.
mordo_yt Stankiewicz
mordo_yt Stankiewicz•6mo ago
why do I have a ban when I wanted to play ranked and I just hit level 20
下痢•6mo ago
elaborate what did it say
Paki Kulfi
Paki Kulfi•6mo ago
because you afked before and you got banned from rank and sincer you coudnt play it you never staerted the timer so you still havbe it'