Created by nfgh on 2/17/2024 in #community-help
RGX Blade
I have $20 in vp and have rgx in my shop rn. It's my fav skin but idk if I should spend another $20. Any suggestions?
9 replies
Created by nfgh on 2/16/2024 in #community-help
Spatial Audio Headphones
I want to buy a good pair of headphones that have spatial audio and am wondering if anyone has any good suggestions under $100
36 replies
Created by nfgh on 1/31/2024 in #lineups
Good Astra Lineups
Hey, just got Astra and was curious if anyone has any good lineups for me. Any map works, thank you!
6 replies
Created by nfgh on 1/21/2024 in #community-help
Best gun for Pistol round
Hey, I have been wondering what the best gun is for pistol round. Mainly I am talking about the ghost vrs. frenzy. Can I have a couple opinions of which is better?
5 replies
Created by nfgh on 1/19/2024 in #community-help
Do Ban Warnings expire
I have a couple warnings and was told that they expire the longer you play without getting more warnings.... Is this true and if it is, is there a rough estimate of how long it takes to remove one?
1 replies
Created by nfgh on 1/18/2024 in #community-help
Where does Gecko stand
I was kind of curious of who to get next and am thinking of getting Gecko. What are some opinions on him? Does he have a high skill cap?
8 replies
Created by nfgh on 1/16/2024 in #community-help
ban warning
Hello, I just started using pheonix and sort of treat him like a healer. His base ability throws a ball of fire onto a surface and I thought that it also healed my team. I was playing with some friends and tried to heal them after they were hit by moshpit. They all took massive damage and I got a ban warning regarding friendly fire. I was looking at riot TOS and saw something about an exception being made if the agent is new. Would it be possible to remove this warning?
22 replies