tilde knife
is this new battlepass knife really worth buying the battlepass? is it overrated or really nice?

49 Replies
To be honest, although I still haven’t gotten it from what I have seen, the knife really looks amazing
i like it, i dont have 10 dollars to spend on it tho.
It has multiple variants which will change the Color and the animations are really nice
do y'all think its overrated?
I think it’s under rated
It’s looks amazing tbh
i dont think bp knifes are overrated
i think th same
noone cares bout them tbh
but most of them r rlly nice
not the last one tho
tru, but i still bought the last bp for radianite
me too 

I personally don’t buy knives from the shop (cause I’d need like 2-3 gift cards in CAD to buy them, which is why I stick to weapon skins but for 10 bucks this knife is really good
im trying to work for enough money to get the bp rn.
i think the knives on the shop dont deserve their price
Plus the radianite doesn’t hurt at all.
so expensive..
i have spent alot of money on val 😭 but i have bought only 1 knife from shop
yeah they are so expensive
i dont buy anything from shop unless its a vandal skin i like
I just started spending money on val but I go through radianite so fast
battlepass skins are fine for me.
It’s nice to have extra when needed
i dont have ANY skins not even pistol skins lol.
thats a W
not really
i tell myself stop spending money on val
but i cant play without skins
I just recently started purchasing skins, it’s not bad but I probably won’t be buying for a bit considering I have the best 2 skins I possibly need
playing with skins u like improve ur playing tho
Protocol Spectre and Araxys Vandal are 

i love chronovoid vandal 

prime v overrated
other skins are fine.
i always have to ask for someone to drop their skin 😭
prime gives me aimbot only when i pick it up from the ground
i give people skin when they ask for skin
most of the ppl i play with dont.
theyre selfish
its ur skin
just share it for 1 round
never buy bp for the knife buy it for the radianite
i like knives
because the bp skins suck
i dont drop my skin because i bought it and i like it
unless they have a skin that i also like
this bp skins are fine tho
i liked them
doesnt beat artisan imo
its ok but like any paid knife skin is better
persoanlly i would take luxe knife or the nunca over this bp's knife
its C tier for all knife skins
but for BP its not that bad
i am always willing to drop it as long as they pay
looks like a sheet of metal with paint
i think its a bit overrated but i do have some of my faveroutte knifes but i just buy the battlepass for the radenanite
the knife in my opinion is helle clean. However obviously thats my opinion and its up to u, the knife if like a dagger and it has variants which is rlly good so its up to u