Can't Launch Val
Having issues launching valorant. Updated to Win11 and keep getting this. I've updated all of my drivers, tried checking youtube, no matter what I do I cant get it to launch.

18 Replies
i also have that i dont know what to do about it please tell me if you managed to fix it!
I'll let you know if I find it out
on the phone with ASUS now as it seems to be a motherboard issue.
Troubleshooting the VAN9001 or VAN 9003 Error on Windows 11 | VALORANT
This article applies only to Windows 11 users.
About Secure Boot and TPM 2.0
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and Secure Boot are security technologies that allow Windows 11 to boot programs using a ...
read it, couldnt find the right settings. But I did get support and get it fixed
go through whoever your motherboard is with and get them to walk you through TPM2.0
You gotta change something on your PC I had that issue and got it fixed by watching a YT vid
Who makes your motherboard? Contact that company, and ask them to walk you through how to enable the shit it asks for when you type in the error code.
easy fix
did you get it?
You will need to enable secure boot in your bios.
bruh it would be already on cuz windows 11 needs secure boot to even use windows 11, unless u bypassed it u cant play valorant, trust me, when i done it anf tried playing valorant it wouldn't work
You can 100% boot windows 11 without secure boot, it just depends how they've installed/updated it. Obviously there will be problems as vanguard requires it. To confirm if secure boot is on or not (through windows rather than going to the bios), they can use the 'win' key + r and type "msinfo32" this will tell them if it is on or not (it will be under secure boot state), If it's off it needs turning on.
so do i need to have secure boot on or off
Final update, I did get it fixed. I had to call my motherboards manufacturor to be properly walked through how to do it. The first lady I spoke with was a |filtered word| and said it was either riot or windows fault. Hung up, and called back, and got someone who knew a little more about what they are doing. She walked me through step by step how to enable the correct setting as it was slightly hidden for me.
If you dont know how to do it, or you've tried and cant find it, contact the manufacturor of your motherboard. Mine's ASUS. Just call them, let them know you need to be walked through enabling secure boot, and they will help.