bootstrapped packaged game?
tried a bunch of fixes, game still fails to launch. any ideas?

19 Replies
what fixes did you try?
reinstalling, giving permissions and administration to the apps, allowing apps to bypass firewall, updating drivers
do you have an anti-virus program?
nah i dont think so
try setting the vgc service to automatic startup
been there, what i do is just run the valorant installer and install it on the same directory that you already had, voila you can run valorant from the shortcut on the desktop
maybe that'll help you too
alright will try that method
tried giving VGC administration but, this pops up
i think its something to do with this just not sure what it specifically is

looks like i found a way to get in, props to yall couldnt thank you guys enough.
yo howd you get in
i pretty much deleted everything valorant related and reinstalled
I had this issue, I just restarted my pc and it worked, could be a different issue as to anti virus or smth like that
launch from riot client
it wont allow u to run the executable directly
and yes it is bootstrapped
the main process is the win64 shipping binary
not VALORANT.exe
dont do stupid things, the problem isnt what u think
nah dw i got it done months ago
yeah right
why is there someone always reviving these old posts
Nah it legit came up like it was posted 16 mins ago 🥹
@Zen has no life :(this guy revived it
Ahh, I get you !