New to PC gaming

Hi guys. I just got a PC and am new to PC gaming in general. I have always enjoyed watching valo streams/tournaments but ofcourse watching is COMPLETELY different than playing. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I can do to practice movement and aim? I don't think I should just jump into a game and literally not even know how to move properly <:PE_PandaWorry:728260368920739880>. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks nyaaFlower
5 Replies
⸸ Napsta ☥
⸸ Napsta ☥15mo ago
hello just give it a try and u ll learn how to adapt and play properly in matter of time and there r a lot of youtube of how to aim and movement have fun and good luck
Jeffrey15mo ago
Hi CuppyCake, funny running into you here PepeLaugh Valorant was my first PC game too so I was in your exact shoes almost exactly 1 year ago :) The best learning resource for Valorant in general Id say is Woohoojin’s channel on youtube, he has a couple of beginner guides and routines that I highly recommend watching (linked below) before watching his normal vod review videos, which mostly cover concepts that aren’t as relevant to lower ranks. Basic mechanics (aim and movement) are the fundamentals that you should focus on first imo because they set the foundation for everything else in the game. And don’t be afraid to just play for fun (you can play swiftplays or unrated if you don’t want to go into ranked yet) the vast majority of players from what I’ve seen don’t know how to move properly so don’t worry about that, you’re already ahead of most people by recognizing that lol. Feel free to dm me if you ever have any questions! I’m not the best player but I think I have a decent understanding of the game and can probably point you to other resources if I’m unsure.
Stop moving like a noob | Movement Mastery pt. 1
Join my Discord for Free Coaching: Random viewers win free VOD reviews every day! Shoutout Silenx for allowing me to use his clip in the video + providing an early review of the content before I posted publicly! #valorant #coaching CHAPTERS 00:00 I...
Start moving like a pro | Movement Mastery pt. 2
Join my Discord for Free Coaching: Random viewers win free VOD reviews every day! #valorant #coaching CHAPTERS 00:00 PEEKING STRATEGY EXPLAINED 01:58 PEEKING STRATEGY EXAMPLES 02:10 OP vs VANDAL JUMP PEEK 02:16 VANDAL vs OP BAD DEDI PEEK 02:22 VANDAL vs OP SHOULDER PEEK THEN HOLD 02:31 VANDAL vs UNKNOWN PUNISH RH...
I guarantee this routine will get you to gold
Movement Mastery pt 1: Movement Mastery pt 2: Gunfight Hygiene: Join my Discord for Free Coaching: Random viewers win free VOD reviews every day! #gold CHAPTERS 00:00 INTRO 01:25 AGENT STIPULATION 01:37 UTILITY RULE 02:31 BENCH...
CuppyCakeOP15mo ago
Thank you I will give it a shot! thankyou Jeffrey! Omg lmao what a small world! mmlolmilk Thank you for your help! stitchThankYouHeart I’ll def check these out and probably annoy you a few times with questions… <:Cuppys_Bearplease:806804582893486112> I’m excited to give it all a try and just hope for the best!
Hystix15mo ago
tbh I would just hop into a game
darsh.15mo ago
you the goat la so u don't need any practice la

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