I just don't understand the point of needing 4 people to remake, It happened to me multiple times that 1 dc'd first round, 1 declined and the one that left never came back, At this point I lost hope in valorant tbf
10 Replies
It’s so that if someone’s duo dcs then the other person can decline if they know they are coming back
I know but in most cases (at least my encounters) if his duo will say "he crashed he will come back in one round" people will declined as well as the duo so its fine
tbh it should automatically remake if someone Disconnects 1st round
even if they comeback after 2-3 rounds.
4 rounds are still lost
Also maybe if people dc you lose less RR or gain more RR?
that thing is already in game I think
but then again its negligible
I should not lose more than 10 RR if I had 1 afk for 5+ rounds and absoloutely no RR if I had 2 afk's
Not my fault right
I don't think it is
I match mvp-ed (26-18-4) a game with a dc first round, ended up losing 9-13 and I lost 15 RR for that
yeah tahts what I meant
you shouldnt lose more than 10 there
sadge tho
Agree 100%
its not