Stuttery/robotic teammates in vc.
I cant communicate with my team because they sound robotic, and stutery. Ive completed a clean boot of my pc octuple times, and nothing seems to help..
45 Replies
only doing in valorant ?
Discord/csgo. Doesnt matter. Its normal in every single game except valorant
can you show us your setting ?
in game settings?
yep sound setting

@valdiniszef everything is good i will look if i find anything on forum
Ive been looking everywhere. Even wrote a ticket to riot
Helloo I think I have found the solution to the problem, I recently had this issue, but manage to find the probable cause. for me, it was the Nvidia experience that caused the problem with the mic bug, the new update interfering with the in-game mic. The solution to this problem is to close the Nvidia capture or share. At least that worked for me I hope this also solves your issue.
I have amd
can be the solution or your internet
Ive switched to ethernet recently
so its more stable than wifi
and nothing changed
Poor network performance, lack of memory, or high CPU usage @valdiniszef
can you show me your task manager ?
High cpu is the only possibility here

its 70 now
but i think it might be around 100 in game
not this part the other one where he see cpu, gpu, memory

@valdiniszef this

then say performance tab xD

you were downloading something before ?
your internet do spike

its just randomly doing it
its ok now
maybe because i was sending u a screenshot

ok and did you at what take the most part of your cpu ? maybe its from that
valorant takes the most part
of my cpu
if thats what u meant
and the other thing ?
sometimes discords
did you try without this 2 open ?
it was never a problem, but i will try now
give me couple of mins
nothing changed
still the same
its even more robotic imo
idk whats going on
did the support answer you ?
no, i wrote a ticket 20 mins ago
itll probably take them 1 day
or 2
okay then i think you will need to wait for them, because i have no fu idea left
Okay, ty for ur help tho
i think you will have an answer tomorrow
yep sorry i didnt help more goodluck