bad performance

my valorant's getting low fps(40 - 90 fps) after i bought a new ssd. i used to play valorant on hdd and i got around 120 - 160 fps. i've the old settings on, i've tried reinstalling the valorant, I've tried to use the performance settings on Nvidia control panel and windows control panel. everything is getting worse on valorant but the other games I've tried like apex legend, gta v, forza horizon 4, they are getting a better fps. I've tried any fps tips for valorant but it's still the same, high latency, low fps. does anyone knows how to fix this?
6 Replies
try turning down resolution
jjioppoOP3y ago
doesn't work
bingus 3000
bingus 30003y ago
install valo on your other drive
jjioppoOP3y ago
still the same
bingus 3000
bingus 30003y ago
revert back to old gpu drivers
Madhav3y ago
go to video settings and turn on vsync it will lock your fps to the refresh rate of your monitor but will reduce choppyness of your game and dawnload mem reduct and enable all your cores of pc

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