the rank systrem sucks bruh

i got 20+ kill every match for the placements i played today won every match.. just lost one match in which i got 18 kills calorant put me in iron 2 not even 3 bruhhhhhh
3 Replies
Dinosaursaver2y ago
Might have been that the rank games you were in were against iron 1s, or just lower ranked people in general. Placements are generally lower then what your actually mmr is. Riot does this to make the grind to high ranks slightly faster and losses less punishing Don’t worry too much on placements
DARK2y ago
kills don’t really mean nothing could have been a 25 round game and u only did 20 kills with a duelist and that’s bad
me2y ago
Yah. Who you kill is the important thing in low ranks. If you consistently kill players at a skill level, you'll be placed around that skill level because you'll have a chance of winning. If you consistently die to players at a skill level you'll be placed with players below that skill level. And ur rank will be below the rank of other players in whatever skill group you end up in so you don't backslide if they got it wrong. Getting to ur right rank should be a matter of just playing the same.

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