Is finding a main agent that important? And how to find my ultimate agent to rank up with?
Hi, I've just reached plat after being hardstuck for months.
My goal is to reach at least dia.
(I used to play Chamber in gold but he got nerfed and even if I get many kills in game I lose because I'm not bringing enough value to my team.)
So I always pick an agent based on the map I'm playing on. Is that a good strategy?
For example: Fracture & Lotus: Brim; Ascent: Omen; Haven: Cypher; all the other maps: Raze.
I'm a very versatile player so should I keep playing the same way or stick to one agent?
And how to find THAT agent that suits me?
6 Replies
what is your playstyle like?
I don't really know... I don't have a defensive or aggressive playstyle, I feel like I have both or none of them.
And I'm pretty good with operator.
hmm best agents to op with are jett and chamber
finding a playstyle can help you narrow down though
if you like taking first contact and entrying, try an aggressive duelist like jett or reyna
alr I'll try, will need to find that role tho (I know I'm not initiator)
if you prefer playing more slowly, lurking and anchoring sites, controller or sentinel
ye that's why I like chamber and jett, I rly like their ultimates and I like oping
Also I don't like dying first so idk for duelist