Looking for a coach

Hey guys, im looking for a coach to better my gameplay. I feel like i constantly go up against players with constant headshots. Im struggling. This game is so hard, lol. Dm me for questions.
6 Replies
OsWaynZz•15mo ago
@xoquietxo hey, you should look at youtube, having a coach under diams in not a need because you can find everything easily on youtube
! Coach Barky
! Coach Barky•15mo ago
What's your rank right now?
Quiet🦇OP•15mo ago
Ive looked, ice watched streamers,i get the gist, i understand. Id say i have more game sense (watching corners, watching flank....etc) Bronze 1, i was silver 2 but deranked (lost 13 games in a row) how? Id get weird teammates, people throw, teammates not defuse or plant. I had a teammate in ALL chat tell the enemy team where everyone was, or someone would add an enemy team and talk to them in game. Its just been frustrating, and cant get out of this rank because people come in and ruin it for everyone else. I get to the point, i dont even wanna play anymore. Not worth it, and i feel like im just wasting my time.
OsWaynZz•15mo ago
@xoquietxo okay you should look at sero i think he is one of the best, his guide are pretty good, also it happen to have really bad teamate but if its too often maybe find a duoQ or a trioQ
Quiet🦇OP•15mo ago
@OsWaynZz i play duo but seems like nothing changes Always get the same teammates. And the enemy teams are all god players.
Lucid•15mo ago
pm me

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