this happens wen I'm running valorant I've tried a lot of things to fix it but literally nthin works
150 Replies
this happens
when im running valorant
someone plz help
Maybe try to unplug the big monitor
When you open the game up? Right after the Harbor/Astra loading screen?
What RAM do you have
Can we go on a call?
it used to work perfectly fine before
no not rn maybe trmw cuz it's late night for me parents will get up
Go to system control panel
go on go on
You will wear headphones you won't talk
alr com
Control panel> system
Advanced System settingsDebugging information Memory bump
I have the exact same problem, happened to me right after the update :c
Active memory bump*
Send me ss
I'm lost here

Click on system
Send ss
Can I send mine too?

this? Its in polish, sorry about that.
I don't know what language is this

I don't understand the language
give me a moment I will change my language
^ @tasburst
On the right there should be an option saying Advanced System settings
n now?
i found it
Startup and recovery
Send ss

sorry for the quality
Automatic memory bump into complete memory bump
Open valorant

here @tasburst
Advanced system settings

start up and recovery?
Startup and recovery

bro gime a sec
Automatic memory bump to complete memory bump
ohh okay
I understand
should I click OK?

Yes okay

should I restart my PC?
Restart your computer
Did it open
I'm opening
gime a sec
i srsly
don know how happy I'm rn
i mean yeh my acc got banned but it's alr I'll start another one hehe

Wth š
You're welcome

Now should I just open?
bro btw
@dragon30312 if u have a monitor
disconnect it
From the lap
or if u have a pc then just try it
You can open it
Tell us how it went
You can try to Connect your monitor
Doesnt work :c
n yes bro the monitor is also the problem
What is the error dragon

How did you get ban ?
I did but the same thing happened wen i didn't connect my monitor it worked
And it restarts my oc
Wtf is that
Update your graphics card
Ayy bro i was quitin games in the middle soo
It worked just fine on 130fps before the update
it's working fine for me
it's bcuz of the monitor
Update your graphics card driver
@dragon30312 u on pc or lap??
I did
Rn or before?
Did you update right now or you updated before
I updated after I got the problem
About 2 days ago
You got tech problem and even a video for proof
So sending a ticket on ur ban account and picking " ban appeal" and explaining it then put the video might get u a unbanned

I got parma ban on my account once
But i got unbanned
I got a shit laptop so i keep crashing
yeh i got a average lap it used to run val
I got a better laptop now so I'm fine now
Also I reinstalled valorant and vanguard
I tried both C: and D: drive
ye it's not gona work like that
sem 2 sem
but wen i disconnected
monitor it started worki
should I try to reconnect my monitor
and then look at my pc, if its shutting down or not?

Try to plug your cable as good as possible
"you have the latest driver"
that can be the problem??
im gonna try
the HDMI one right?
Sometimes when my cable is not plugged in yeah
do I need to restart my PC after I done that?
this sometimes looks different btw

like this once
Go to Command Prompt
On your search bar run as administrator
And write sfc /scannow
Yeah, heres another problem my scannow kinda doesnt work
What it says
I basicly says that it finds problems but cant fix them
Ss please
So on youtube I found a tutorial for that prem
But then I got another error
Okay, one momeny
@dragon30312 this also might have happen
I didnt get banned
Dragon can you send screenshot of the cmd?
Yeah my pc is turning on
I can say that windows 11 is not the best OS to run valorant
its scanning
@tasburst is going to die from a heart attack soon at this rate 

What the heck
Ik man, Upgrading to windows 11 was the first decision of my life
worst decision
It joke because he not doing wha ur telling him to 

Sorry man my Pc was turning back on
Well i mean he did but slow asf
yeyeye i had win 11 first i instantly regretted it n came back to win 10
bc Valorant crashed it after I tried the monitor thing
I cant come back now bc 3 months passed or something
yeh bro
like a video
i saw
even after
and now the only way is too reset my PC, thing is that I cant do that...
3 months
i did it
You almost gave me a heart attack too because i thought you didn't get my joke and was about to report my ass
wait I'll try to find video
25% scannede

does it have something to do with reseting the PC?
bc this is what I get when I try to do that :')

No chill but all ur data will go
45% scanned
Yeah, thats no problem
u wan go back to win 10?
I have a bunch of problems with my Windows32
alr gime me a sec
I'll find
like half of my dll. are corrupted

You can download the file I will send you
@dragon30312 dns
u can't send link
frnd request bruh
I will send it to him privately
There is no other solution other than resetting windows
Riot administrators cannot ban us for helping him out
Oh see?
I can send it
There's the most trusted file ever no virus I can say it's legit
You only need a good internet connection and a USB flash drive at least 8 gb
Peak 8 GB
@dragon30312 here
this might also work
@sabito1532 we managed to fix it btw