Created by Dragon on 5/25/2024 in #community-help
My game freezes on the match found screen
What can I do fix these kind of issues? I already moved my game to my SSD drive and ram shouldnt be a problem. My graphics card might by lacking its a nvidia gt 1030. This makes me sometimes not load into the game at all, or load in half way of the pistol round or something. Also this happens most during the first game of the day.
2 replies
Created by Dragon on 1/17/2024 in #community-help
how to counter a hyperaggresive team while attacking? Like we are getting pushed from A main and C main and die in spawn every round. B main is covered by a sentinel Like we tried baiting out a site bc they rotate so fast bu twe just got attacked from the other side I feel like its just a skill difference problem
1 replies
Created by Dragon on 3/16/2023 in #community-help
Valorant problem
Hey guys, today I load up my pc and open up valorant, first I got a wierd riot vanguard pop up. I dont remember what it said and idk if it is important. I think that it just wanted access to run as an administator or whatever. After that I load up my game, everything is fine. I get the Astra Harbor screen. After that I just get a black screen with wierd lights ( I can take a screen shot with my phone if that will help). Then everything goes black, my mouse and keyboard stops lighting although my PC fan is still spinning. Then my pc restarts...
47 replies