
PC noob here, freezes, loss of sound, crashes, delayed ability voicelines

Whenever I play Valorant if I barely have anything else open (like Discord per say), I'll get at least a few of the three per game (I don't even try having more stuff open like Overwolf or I get many per game). The freezes are complete loss of control (though I've noticed it keeps my input, as in if I was going forward it'll keep me sprinting). If the freeze is long/big enough, itll lead to a connection error crashing my game. Sometimes I simply lose the sound for a few seconds or ability voicelines are delayed (VERY obnoxious for stuff like Raze ult, where I would hear her line after she's already sent the rocket) I also generally have pretty inconsistent FPS, ranging from 300 to ~120 depending on how much action is going on (I think? All I know is it's 300 when I'm alone with nothing and it can get to 120 in game) Here are my specs, I think it may be a CPU issue but I am clueless about computers so I'd love any advice : CPU : Intel Core i5-7600k 3.80GHz GPU : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti RAM : 40 GBs Here's a clip of a pretty typical freeze, it's usually this length or longer
167 Replies
edi•2y ago
could you send clips of having client fps stats on
KogaOP•2y ago
do you want it just before/after a freeze or just generally as the game is running
edi•2y ago
I want to see the fps count when the freezing happens
KogaOP•2y ago
looking back at it rn, isnt it active top right in the clip? or is it a different setting bump
KogaOP•2y ago
lovely :)))
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KogaOP•2y ago
this literally ruins the experience and I have no clue how to fix it no point playing ranked either or id grief my team
KogaOP•2y ago
can't even reconnect
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Bubba•2y ago
Are you using an ethernet or just a normal connection
pensiveclown•2y ago
are u sure abt the specs 40gbs of ram isnt a thing especially not with a 1050ti RAM goes 4 8 16 32 64 etc
Bubba•2y ago
depends unless they have different stick sizes or multiple 8 gb stick
KogaOP•2y ago
I have an 8 gb and 32 (as in 16/16) Ethernet My ping is usually pretty low ~20 The crashes only happen after an elongated freeze Not out of nowhere
Yung_Indio•2y ago
Might be a CPU issue. If you can, try underclocking your CPU and run the game on lowest settings.
KogaOP•2y ago
I've got it on the absolute lowest, though how does one underclock? also I've seen that thermal paste is a thing, my pc is 5 years old and I've never done anything regarding that, could that be the issue?
pensiveclown•2y ago
thats strange im not sure thats optimal you ideally want two sticks of the same exact memory or 4 if its a different size/frequency, etc tiat might not be good also make sure ur running it in the correct channels for dual channel
ballsonfire•2y ago
thats why 😂 the 8 gb will be maxed out with ram
KogaOP•2y ago
Idk abt optimal tbh I just had issues with some stuff with the 8 one so I bought new stuff and thought I might aswell keep it Though itd odd because ive been having 40 for a fair bit now, much before the issues got as obnoxious as they are rn I'll give a shot just using the 16 bars and see how that feels tomorrow I feel kinda lost though because on the task manager it's the cpu which is getting obliterated, the ram doesnt show anything odd Does it directly affect the cpu? Im pretty clueless about this stuff
pensiveclown•2y ago
in the list of processes check what processes are wrecing ur cpu
KogaOP•2y ago
do you mean like the programs? Usually when I open task manager ingame the cpu is around 95 and it gets a bit lower since im alt tabbed, with valorant > vanguard > task manager taking everything riot games is usually a bit up there too then it's just some meaningless 0.2% programs
pensiveclown•2y ago
95 percent or degrees (both are bad)
KogaOP•2y ago
percent I'm from EU so if it said 95 degrees with my celsius degrees I'd be terrified LOL but yeah it usually is near 100 if not 100, then it goes down a little as I give it more seconds alt tabbed
pensiveclown•2y ago
it is measured in celsius usually 95 isnt TOO bad for like a gpu its not good but it could be worse like if I play COD for an hour on max thats what mine hits but above that isnt great thing is cpu temp 95 is not good at all especially for something like val
KogaOP•2y ago
Oh damn, the more you know I guess I wouldve thought 95 for any part would be enormous tbh I'm gonna try getting thermal paste this week, if nothing changes it doesnt hurt to try without the 8gb ram bar After that I'm out of leads though
pensiveclown•2y ago
thermal paste is extremely important your temps probably decrease by 10 degrees once u use it if u still ahve the box ur cooler should have come with thermal paste i think
KogaOP•2y ago
Say it was left untouched for years, do you think it could be the issue?
pensiveclown•2y ago
but im not sure if its best to use old paste
KogaOP•2y ago
I dont think I have the box anyways tbh, got my pc 5 years ago According to google I shouldve replaced the thermal paste like twice already In the span of 5 years I mean
clouds•2y ago
definitely do the thermalpaste but also open Control Panel on your computer, click on System and Security, View RAM and Memory, and click Advanced System Settings underneath your device information. You will see a small window pop up with the name "System Properties". Go to the advanced tab and click the "settings" button under performance. It will open a new window called "Performance Options". from there you should be able to reset your Virtual Memory. restart the computer and it might be slightly better for the moment but high temperatures on your CPU is quite annoying since it can cause lag spikes. Valorant is normally a cpu intensive game but it should never be at 95%. Depending on which cpu you have and if it is 5 years old you should think about getting an updated CPU/Mobo. If the CPU problem still persists after you change the thermal paste, go back into control panel, click on your power options, and change it to high performance. you can also go to device manager and check if your drivers are updated. Hope this helps! :D. feel free to reply with any questions
KogaOP•2y ago
Holy ill be trying all this tmrw thank you lots 🙏🙏 @clouds
j o n t h e b u i l d e r 1 2
KogaOP•2y ago
Is it that outdated? I dont really keep up with this stuff
pensiveclown•2y ago
not for val
KogaOP•2y ago
clouds•2y ago
Ofc! I have more if that all doesn’t work
KogaOP•2y ago
@clouds I got it there but how do I "reset" the virtual memory?
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KogaOP•2y ago
An example of me loading in with Valorant, Discord, Overwolf and Task manager open
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clouds•2y ago
It should be in change Like where virtual memory is The hell Valorant had 52%??? So you might not need to do the vram reset Because it seems fine Also check your gpu drivers and windows updates I forgot that there’s more you can try Under Avast (your antivirus) make sure valorant, riot, or vanguard is unselected under what it scans Also open command prompt as an administrator and type in – bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock Just copy and paste that And restart the pc Hopefully that helps :)
KogaOP•2y ago
just let it be system managed and this is how it looks now
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KogaOP•2y ago
should I just create exceptions for the programs? nvm it lets all the programs run just fine I'm getting thermal paste anyways and I'll try all the command prompt n such stuff afterwards if the issue is still there
clouds•2y ago
yes create exceptions for them alrighty! i use corsair tm30 thermal paste and its worked great but whatever you find is probs fine i just wouldnt spend more than 15 bucks or less than 8
KogaOP•2y ago
sometimes it'll be vanguard freaking out a bit more, even when I'm up to nothing
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KogaOP•2y ago
generally speaking valorant/vanguard does the vaaaast majority of it and then discord will finish it off, so the only time I'm close to stable is with discord closed I guess its barely not enough to fuck up my pc if completely by itself
clouds•2y ago
just like disable vanguard in the app thing also and run your antivirus because vanguard should never be that high
KogaOP•2y ago
in the app thing?
clouds•2y ago
antivirus lol im so tired and in class
KogaOP•2y ago
oh fair enough haha
KogaOP•2y ago
well it DOES say it's fine so idk
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clouds•2y ago
oh weird the fuck not that this should help but generally just do windows key+r and search %temp% delete all files there, if they cant just click do this for all and delete val might have to many files
KogaOP•2y ago
what's that some kind of cache?
clouds•2y ago
basically %temp% is where windows puts all the temporary files for any app that runs so yes in a sense it's a cache but for everything on the computer
KogaOP•2y ago
ah alright didn't fix it but cant hurt getting some more storage
clouds•2y ago
it wouldnt have fixed it completely
KogaOP•2y ago
well that's a first
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KogaOP•2y ago
while tabbed out for a minute or so prob why valorant is sm lower
clouds•2y ago
that is normal however there is a way to stop it I can try to send the block of code but it's mostly just stuff you look up as a tutorial because it would be pain and suffering for me to explain it while in class basically that service creates files in the C:\Windows\system32\sru folder every second, essentially just end that service and then go to the system path I just posted and delete the folder
KogaOP•2y ago
it's chilling now
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clouds•2y ago
it will do that every so often regardless
KogaOP•2y ago
this shit's complicated man lmfao
clouds•2y ago
the other thing is basically put this block of code into a txt file and then make it a .bat actually nvm that is too long you just dont have to worry about the past 40 seconds of text i just said after that image
KogaOP•2y ago
alright lmafo all good I'll just pray for thermal paste to be my life savior that's my plan as of rn
clouds•2y ago
when are you getting it?
KogaOP•2y ago
should be tomorrow or friday at latest I think
clouds•2y ago
gotcha oh today is wednesday nice didnt even realize
humus•2y ago
32 + 8 = ? 95 is really bad.
KogaOP•2y ago
thought so
humus•2y ago
is it just ur cpu that hits 95
KogaOP•2y ago
Oh my comment here is just as a response above, afaik nothing has hit those numbers temperature wise I was just surprised at the person saying "95 isnt TOO bad"
humus•2y ago
ah oke read it wrong mb
KogaOP•2y ago
All good dwdw
pensiveclown•2y ago
ur not supposed to run that dual channel is best for two identical sticks 32+8 isnt ideal theres barely even throttling at 95 its not rly a big problem until 100 95 is bad in the context tho val shouldnt be getting 95
humus•2y ago
I was talking about temperature No shit, but it’s possible
KogaOP•2y ago
Oh fr? I mean I dont have any ram related issues as of rn but if it can affect other stuff..
pensiveclown•2y ago
yea ik im talking about temperature u can check but im pretty sure its not recommended
pensiveclown•2y ago
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KogaOP•2y ago
Hmmm @clouds thermal paste applied!
clouds•2y ago
oh nice! one, never trust quora its just people trolling, second of all it will just take lowest clock speed of the ram so it doesnt actually matter if you use 3 sticks of ram it just looks weird because you should just use all four if you have 3 but imo i just use 0 and 2 slots lmk how it goes
KogaOP•2y ago
looks still pretty fucked I fear looks like an upgrade is the way out
Deleted User
Deleted User•2y ago
afaik ram amount wouldnt be the reason cpu usage is so high might just be time to upgrade the cpu u have a p bad one
kaylee•2y ago
if that were the issue you’d see it in your CPU temps. idk how to see intel cpu temps but if you have a software for it that tracks it you can confirm it that way by watching your temps as you play. what cooler do you have for your cpu?
'CuzImStupi4•2y ago
You still got the problem?
KogaOP•2y ago
still got it yeah 🫡 yeah I think that's the solution the fact that it just got WAY worse all of a sudden made me think it was smth else that could be fixed but ig it's just htat
'CuzImStupi4•2y ago
What are the specs?
KogaOP•2y ago
they're alllll the way up in the initial post gimme a sec ^
'CuzImStupi4•2y ago
Okay, did you put in your HDMI/DPI Cable in the under spot? and not at the Mainboard.
KogaOP•2y ago
uh I believe so yeah but either way I haven't changed any cable location in years and its only got really bad more recently
'CuzImStupi4•2y ago
Okay. How much monitors do you use? HD / FULLHD / 2K / 4K / 8K forget 8k Can you answer it?
Deleted User
Deleted User•2y ago
that wouldnt affect it either they are having fps drops due to cpu usage valorant shouldnt use 95% i have a 15 12900k and it uses like 35-40
KogaOP•2y ago
uh one not sure abt the exact numbers not 4k tho thats for sure how pricy is that per say
Deleted User
Deleted User•2y ago
not sure, i bought my pc on facebook marketplace, it also has a 3070 and 32gb ram, it was 850$ 12600k* sorry 200$ brand new on amazon
'CuzImStupi4•2y ago
amazon and pc 💀
KogaOP•2y ago
i see i see @clouds okay its actually a little better got a bit of lag but no crash in a full game and no multiple seconds long freezes edit: nvm just had one lol
@Koga what is your cpu also 40gb of ram is very odd but it shouldnt be the issue
KogaOP•2y ago
Intel Core i5-7600k 3.80GHz
i read what the other guys sent its probably your temp do you have adequate cooling and airflow in ur case
KogaOP•2y ago
believe so yeah
ok is this only happening on val
KogaOP•2y ago
yeah I believe so though val is also the most cpu heavy game I play
u put thermal paste on it right @Koga also what refresh rate is your monitor
KogaOP•2y ago
yeah tonight I just did actually 165
ok cap your fps to like 180
KogaOP•2y ago
sure lemme boot up the game
did adding thermal paste help
KogaOP•2y ago
well it did help yeah haven't crashed yet had a freeze happen in my last game though
KogaOP•2y ago
but like freezing as in holding sprint in a direction for 3 seconds/cant control anything shit is kinda not good if I wanna play comp
are all of your settings on low
KogaOP•2y ago
ok lmk if the 180 cap does anything
KogaOP•2y ago
alright i set it on 180 just now i'll play a tdm and see if I spot anything 🫡
KogaOP•2y ago
ehh its still a little rough but nothing major happened though Im guessing at least thanks to the thermal paste thatll be rarer since on my first game I also had nothing
ok are u on windows 10
KogaOP•2y ago
go to search type system configuration
KogaOP•2y ago
go to the boot tab click advanced options is the number of processors set at 1
KogaOP•2y ago
ok click the box and set it to 4 or whatever the highest number is
KogaOP•2y ago
yeah it's 4
oo ok set it to 4 then click apply or ok then apply and restart try playing val after
KogaOP•2y ago
alright i trust ya 🙏 very much not fixed sadly at least its not every game now, but it can still happens multiples in one
KogaOP•2y ago
Highlight #Valorant | Captured by #Outplayed
To capture and share your gaming highlights, download the Outplayed app on Overwolf
KogaOP•2y ago
2 next to each other right here (after the changes)
clouds•2y ago
is your bios updated?
KogaOP•2y ago
I thiiiink so not 100% sure though
clouds•2y ago
also feel free to dm me i can try to do actual fixes if you can screenshare or smth idm
KogaOP•2y ago
will do how does one manually update their bios actually I was thinking of smth else, I haven't touched that stuff ever since I changed my ram few months ago
clouds•2y ago
do you have an external usb stick or drive of some sort? you basically download the newest version of your bios (or recommended) and then open your bios after rebooting computer, quick install from there
KogaOP•2y ago
oh yeah ive never done that LOL
clouds•2y ago
its complicated to explain without seeing it but there's plenty of tutorials that can help :D what i recommend doing once you fully power off and go back in just mash your f2 key or delete
KogaOP•2y ago
alright imma give google a quick search then
clouds•2y ago
lmk if you have any questions :D my dms are open or just ping me idm either one
KogaOP•2y ago
alright I'm back well I did get to update it but it's a 2018 version so uhhh guess thats the most recent this is packing
ok update all your hardware
clouds•2y ago
also update every single driver you have in existence jsut go through the list and right click and have it automatically search your copmuter im slowly havinga storke strtoke stroke and becoming more and more tired
KogaOP•2y ago
yeah that's what I was thinking of earlier I've done those
clouds•2y ago
I Died Wait so it could be screen tearing then
KogaOP•2y ago
could it? I looked it up n it doesnt really seem like this Played 4 games today and only had a major freeze once Finally a bit of success
clouds•2y ago
wait @Koga what gpu and cpu do you have again
KogaOP•2y ago
uhhh lemme scroll CPU : Intel Core i5-7600k 3.80GHz GPU : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti nvm its fucked again genuinely dont know what t odo lol apart from an upgrade ig
u could reset and also clean ur parts but like too much hassle
KogaOP•2y ago
yeahh tbh
j o n t h e b u i l d e r 1 2
get somethin better then a 1050
edi•2y ago
I think the OP should upgrade the cpu instead especially for valorant and most games use more CPU and 1050 ti is still a decent card (good enough for valorant)
j o n t h e b u i l d e r 1 2
here is myn with a 3070 ti and a intel i7
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KogaOP•2y ago
Holy fuck I wish LOL I mean at least in this case here it very much is my cpu struggling, im not very knowledgable but my initial thought would be just to upgrade the cpu But I dont know what changing the gpu can affect sooo
clouds•2y ago
bottlenecking causes it sorry for the late response so yes upgrade the cpu, you can get an i5-13600k and it's significantly better for like 180 and then a 3060 is 250ish you do need a new mobo though
KogaOP•2y ago
Motherboard? How come
clouds•2y ago
new cpu will not work with the mobo for a 7600k different chipsets
switch to amd for the cpu while ur at it if ur gonna play games specifically val mbs are cheaper for am4 generally and ur gonna need to get a new one anyway
KogaOP•2y ago
oh :( i see
clouds•2y ago
This is true You can get previous gen intel boards (same chipset just slightly older) for a bit cheaper But if you want budget and better cpu just get for intel *amd
pensiveclown•2y ago
valve just TROLLED amd users amd cpus and gpus are basically broken for cs2 we get like insane lag spikes and input lag 🗿 only reason i still play val
KogaOP•2y ago
LMFAO no shot thats real
pensiveclown•2y ago
cs2 admitted it apparently u have to turn off dxnavi 9 except im not able to locate the file for it so im kindof just waiting like i get 300fps usually and it runs perfectly but then sometimes i get really bad fps drops stuttery fps bad frametime and input lag thats probably 250ms at least 250 maybe more
KogaOP•2y ago
Thats actially hilarious ngl 250 is so fkin much
pensiveclown•2y ago
i wait for my inputs its crazy they just flat out forgot to optimize for half the gpus out there 🗿 and cpus amd cpus have a multithreading problem in cs gpus have driver problems its great because i have both they fixed it
KogaOP•2y ago
Nicee Imma try to get an upgrade this weekend
clouds•2y ago
ok! lmk how it goes :D
KogaOP•2y ago
@clouds finally got an upgrade (through a new pc) reinstalling everything for now but its a bit scary because my task manager is still going bonkers :valSusgeNoted: task manager still telling me its maxxed out but it seems to be running smoothly for now
clouds•2y ago
Task manager will just do that It says val is 2tb or storage sometimes also lol
new account: unseenserrs
undervolting might help it's not bad, it's horrible you mean infinitely lower? a 13600k is NOT 180 bro no fucking way + socket i wouldn't get an amd gpu if i were you, they have insanely high input lag
wrx1th•2y ago
Hi, it’s nothing wrong with your pc, but I have a feeling you are not updating your drivers @Koga It could also be your internet if you far away from you router
KogaOP•2y ago
true true for now its been going all perfectly so done that and my internet has been really on point, wasn't a lag thing afaik for now it's fixed : tldr everything else but cpu/graphic card upgrade I did, nothing worked and upgrading fixed it
wrx1th•2y ago
Maybe you have a outage?
KogaOP•2y ago
nah every outside factor (internet, electricity n what not) was fine rly was an issue from within
clouds•2y ago
Micro center and bestbuy have like year long deals
for 100 dollars cheaper than the nvidia equivalent xd

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