audio settings
is there some settings to make me hear footsteps better, ‘cause now i can hear the footsteps but cant here where its coming from
(all the setting if you can 🙂)
8 Replies
+ i can tell where its coming from but only in a very general direction like left right forward or back
Enable HRTF @.bab10 !!!
HRTF is perhaps the most practical audio setting to use when playing VALORANT, as it allows you to hear which direction sounds are coming from when playing the game. With your headphones on, you’ll be able to instantly detect which direction an ability or enemy player is approaching from. For example, if an enemy player is walking behind a wall that’s to your left, you’ll be able to hear their footsteps through your left headphone. If a Sova player is casting their ultimate from the right side of the map, you’ll hear the audio cue for the ability through your right headphone.

im gonna try it and update you, thanks!
It also help you on which material they walk, example you can tell the difference betwweeen Metall and stone ground
update: I can indeed here the footsteps on different material. but, after I enabled HRTF it help just a bit,and still kinda hard to here where the enemy is exaxtly,
i enabled surround sound on my headset does that help or no?
Yes that helps! But you can also download a external Software for that.
There is a software for steelseries but I don't know the name right now.
I only recommend it if you have like a really gooood pc! I, with a low low low end office pc lost a match because of the massive fps drop and only 8gb ram. From 70 fps to 3fps so I deleted it directly xd
It's called Sonar @.bab10 ! It's free
thanks, also. you dont have to be so formal 😭
it makes me feel like a dry texter
anyway thanks
No worries ! I am glad to help! @.bab10