john marston
john marston
Created by john marston on 3/2/2024 in #community-help
crashing issue
so lately valorant has bbeen crashing for no known reason, it just suddenly closes. like not even a window popping up saying "this app blah blah blah" it just closes on its own. its it happened to me like 4 times today
2 replies
Created by john marston on 2/24/2024 in #community-help
sound problem
So ive been having this problem where i cant hear where the enemy is? Like i have 7.1 surround sound headphones, the surround sound eorks on any other game exept valorant, can someone help?
3 replies
Created by john marston on 3/28/2023 in #community-help
why am i banned from comp?
yesterday i was banned for 165 hours and now its 265 this is my username: randomguy#909
3 replies
Created by john marston on 3/28/2023 in #community-help
audio settings
is there some settings to make me hear footsteps better, ‘cause now i can hear the footsteps but cant here where its coming from (all the setting if you can 🙂)
13 replies
Created by john marston on 3/22/2023 in #community-help
why cant i hear where an enemy is coming from? i can easily do that in any other game but i cant in valo. is there a setting or sum?
13 replies
Created by john marston on 11/17/2022 in #community-help
how do i get it?
how do i get the rune stone bulldog skin?
3 replies