Com Ban
Toxic smurfing jet and sage ruining games. Valorants smurfing issue is horrendous and it's ruining the player experience. I retaliated and got com baned.
3 day com and Comp ban actually just updated. your game penalises players who are struggling with smurfs in every fucking game. I don't deserve a 3-day ban when I cant just simply enjoy the game because your surfing system is shit. Mabye make it so smurfing bands actualy refund rr or ban mid-match so people don't have to sit through agonizing torture and insults when they are just trying to relax. other games smurfing issues arent as bad as valorants.
Image Clearly shows they where smurfing

3 Replies
Riot pls ban them
And riot unban this op
they make so much money off of smurfing from black market account sells you cant even imagine, you just gotta deal with it its gonna be like this in most competetive games
just train and become as good as them