used skin refund
can I please get a refund? I only used the skin 3 times in 2 deathmatch game and 1 competitive game only 3 and btw I accidently buy this chromedek. And i didnt know you cant use the skin or the refund will not appear <:Phoenix_Sad:891497548819337286> I literally got excited for the xenohunter knife and I spent my school money <:Gekko_Wingman_Sad:1154719030557540371> Hopefully It will get refunded :))

12 Replies
this is not valorant support, go on their official website and gl with that
I already did and I even make a ticket but they didnt respond for about 3-2 hours because theres so many thing going on idk it said in my gmail
wait longer
they usually take a couple hours up to a full day to respond
but i cant refund it on my history purchase cus i used the skin around 3 times because i didnt know <:val_CatBigStare:1171620702269493348>
that will use your only special refund
1. youre way too impatient
2. check if you got an email that says "reply to this for ticket bla bla bla"
i did reply to get the real agent to email me
yeah just wait 2-3h is nothing lmao
then wait
okay <:Gekko_Wingman_Cry:1188208140005675260>
can you only use 1 special refund or its just a special refund fee from riot
yeah only one