Account Hacked
My riot account was recently hacked and I have submitted a ticket but they have yet to respond to me. Could someone please help me out?
42 Replies
we cannot this is community help you just have to wait until they respond
how long does it take them to respond
in my ticket they took about 12 hours to respond
Yea i have been waiting for about 12 hours now and i have yet to receive a response
i guess you just gotta wait
i couldve just gotten lucky
Alright Thank You though I will just hope and pray for the best
hope you get your problem resolved
Thanks man
im pro
@flabbergastedbrian you have an auto recovery for your account on the website go search valorant support pick the first one and you will see something lose account or something like that and you will see auto recovery
It says my account can not be automatically recovered
what should i do now?
can you show a screen because no one got the same message before

ok first time seeing that you are the one i think
but no for real you have to wait then no choice but to wait for the support
yea i have been waiting but they still haven’t respond back to me yet
look if you ticket is about the good subject, if it has been send
when you create a ticket you choose subject about what happen ban, lost account, in game cheater etc did you choose the good one ?
and if the ticket has been send some people trough they send the ticket but they didnt
i chose lost account
then its should be good and did you send it ? normaly you receive an email
yea i have gotten a email saying they will respond
and how much time it has been ?
it’s been about 12 hours
oh okay then its pretty normal some people wait about one weeks most of the time they are pretty fast with lost account wait 1 to 3 days since the ticket has been send if no reponse try to make another ticket
yea i’m just worried that the people who currently have my account is going to get it banned then i really can’t get it back
they can unban you but how did you get hack ?
Well kinda embarrassing… My friend sent me this thing about free skins idk why i even believed it and i basically gave them my login info so yea 😅
it took me 3 days
well first you are stupid but i think you know it already and otherwise NEVER click on a link from someone else if you dont know the guys even more on big app like instagram, tiktok you should really never click on a link a also think everyone should uninstall tiktok for many reason but your choice
dang i guess im going to have to wait a little longer im just really scared because i spent so much money on it 😭
Yea i should have known I just hope i can get my account back now 😭😭
oh and if you dont know third party are bannable only trn is know as official tracker verything else has no said they have an official contract and if you use an tracker for you shop you can ban and hack from it
can i ask you a question how old are you ? because you must be old if your discord account has been created in 2018 but the fact you trust so much is 🤔
i didn’t even know there was a tracker for shops
i’m 16 😭
then you know and you can stay aways from it
yea thanks for the heads up
wait you started discord at 11 years ? bro its fu young but now atleast you know everyone has been take is some kind of traps after that you will never be trap again you will look at everything
and next time dont be greedy
yea i have learned my lesson. I really only got discord back then was so i can talk to my friends and play fort 😂
hell no a fortnite kid 😭
im out have a nice night bro and good luck
😭😭😭 alright night bro