how does rr gain work

My friend keeps saying kills dont effect rr gain and I am.sure this isn't true but I need a second opinion since I really ain't sure at this point
6 Replies
xFanexx2y ago
Ask VALORANT - Rank Rating Edition
This one goes out to all of you who feel like the system is holding you down. How does Rank Rating and MMR work in VALORANT?
Classy2y ago
You get a certain mmr and the more you play the more it gets fixed You might be silver But the game puts you in Bronze or in gold If the game thinks you belong in gold you’ll gain more If it thinks you belong in bronze it will give less
CharlieOP2y ago
26/11 ans -25 my mmr ms be fucked
Classy2y ago
The game rewards you more for scores that are 13-1 13-3 Like the rounds Than your kd If you loose 1-13 you will loose a lot But if you loose 13-11 or win 13-11 you won’t gain or loose much if a neutral game Than performance and kd changes it of like 2-5 rr Depend on rank
Rito2y ago
This was changed 2-3 patches ago that round differential has less of an effect and that winning/losing has more of an effect, depending on your hidden MMR too. See patch 6.0 notes: For all players: Ranked Rating gains/losses will depend slightly more on Win/Loss, and slightly less on the exact round differential of the match. Context: Players experience too wide of RR gains/losses from match to match based on the round differential (one win could give 12RR, and the next win could give 20RR). We’re making this change to reduce that swing of RR in gains and losses. Winning is still the most important way to climb! For players whose ranks are far away from their MMR: RR gains will depend more on individual performance, instead of round differential. You should also see your rank and MMR converge faster. Context: We received feedback that players felt like they would not be rewarded for a good game, or punished too harshly for a bad game during their ranked climb. If a player's rank is below their actual MMR, they will be rewarded more for a good game. If a player's rank is above their MMR, they will not be harshly penalized if they lose, but perform well in that match.
Rito2y ago
VALORANT Patch Notes 6.0
Split returns (with some changes), a change to Ranked Rating, and the addition of favoriting variants.

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