Do placement matches even matter? if yes then explain this pls
So this person was negative in 4 matches out of the 5 placements and still got the highest rank i.e. S3. Like how??? Do placements even matter????

54 Replies
it works in weird ways man
but yes ofc they matter
Silver three is not the highest placement rank
The highest placement rank is ascendant 1 if I remember correctly
He got a fair amount of kills in the games he won, and even where he didn’t get a lot of kills he still got a bunch of assists
Theres also stuff like combat score and econ rating than can come into play
your previous rank comes into play as well
if you did have one
Simply be a good team player and you can get a decent rank
Usually you’ll start queuing at the rank you were last act or maybe a few divisions lower than that one
From there you can either do well and get a higher rank, do worse and get a lower rank
im suffering man
I was d1 last episode
Or do equally like you did last act and get the same one
and now im plat 2
struggling to get back up
Dont queue tilted
blame my teammates fr
Do you solo queue?
it's just that voice telling me "one more..."
I get you man 😭
Its a pain in the ass
sometimes you get lucky
I was on a good 5 win streak, told myself I’d queue one more
sometimes you dont
Lost a quarter of the RR i earnt
Not worth it
💀 💀 💀 💀
Nah they had no previous rank
especially when you're close to ranking up
and it all goes downhill from there
Silver 3 isn’t too high of a placement rank to get for your first rank
Its a good rank to get, but at least they didn’t get plat as their first rank
s3 is pretty good tho
i started at b3
I have a friend who’s unranked right now, no past rank
Queuing dias
thats a pretty high elo
Bruv in my placements, i was positive in all my games and did 17-25kills in each game still got placed in b2
Yep me too
Its a dumb system
I got b2 man
Doing stuff as little as getting recons for your team mates can get you more rr
Performance bonuses although might sound like they do little
Will usually tell you you’re being a good team player
Welp from now on i won't be playing duelists ig
Change it up time to time
Even after dominating lobbies I'm getting less rr and shit
nah man just find what suits your playstyle
I was maining phoenix, didn’t do great
Played fade
fade is a no brainer initiator
Averaging 5-7 performance bonuses
28 ish rr
super easy to play
Exactly it’s great
So long as you have good haunts and you can lead your team onto site you’re set
ulti + prowler combo
You’ll get bonuses for how frequent the assists your haunt will get you
easy entry
Dude i main neon fr I'm like the only neon doing bhops n shit in my elo
Never seen someone else do it
The new agent is supposedly good for entry, clearing corners etc
neon has the hardest mechanics bro 😭
Neon is great if you master her
Good entry fast rotation
Insane ult
I'd say I'm good at it but def didn't master yet
I’d suggest playing unrated with neon doing good practice with her
If you still think it’s because of the duellists job
Try switching roles maybe, give them a try
Its all what you think works best for you really
Maybe even a game mode that allows you to spawn with abilities already bought
Like spike rush
I mean I'm doing good for bronze atleast
Still the teams yk
If you were immortal last act no. My radiant friends literally ffd 4 of their placement games and placed asc 1
It's their first rank
how good you do doesnt prove how good you are, riot isnt going to place me going 30/0 against irons into gold since i havent actually proved i can play against golds
elo exists