Valorant freezes my whole pc
Right now i just downloaded valorant again. But during the update my pc starts freezing. I just paused the download and my pc is working just fine. Valorant is the only game that i have an issue with for some reason. This has been going on for almost a year. And i Just realized it was valorant messing up my pc after deleting it. Any ideas on how to fix?
70 Replies
why'd you comment then
average trash talker
what issues do u have
yes freezes/lags my whole pc. im 100% its valorant too since after downloading it, it starts freezing.
i tried to look around but it seems im the only one with this problem
do u have antivirus running
no hardware problems, pc is up to date, so is my gpu
in every apps?
are u experiencing freezes in every application?
when valorant is closed
I have no idea what are u trying to describe
lags? but at wheee
yes everything freezes besides my mouse. cant click nothing, takes forever to load up a tab. What i mean by freeze is i cant do literally nothing on my computer.
at one point i got blue screened
uninstall vanguard
when valo is running or closed?
ive tried everything possible trust me. but for some reason nothing seems to fix the issue
man give info
actual info I mean
On your warpath today I see lmao
i dont know what to tell you besides it freezes my pc bc thats literally what it does... my pc was fine until i installed valo again.
Please check task manager
does it happen if uninstall or exit vanguard?
Make sure your disk isn’t at 100% usage
when i uninstall everything is fine/ back to normal
Again check task manager
valo is the only game that messes up my pc whenever i install it
i did
everything seems fine
I'm asking if u keep valo installed but vanguard uninstalled
Great I will still need a photo
i uninstall everything valo and vanguard
give me a moment
When you take the photo, please make sure that the issue is actively happening
For this to go even faster, a video would be helpful
brother is locked in with this issue
mb that took so long. I played a match but my issue didnt occur once
heres the performance after if thats imporant

didn't u say it occurs whether valo running or not
u should also be able to notice on desktop
how did u got 14gb of ram?
that's a weird amount
Eight and four
it's 14 not 12
Ignore my dumbass
I do have 12, becuz that 4 is soldered
It’s too late OK
I’m tired
yes i did, but nothing happened during the match. it usually freezes once or twice through out the match. i lowered my in game graphics all to low (i had all on high) and it seems like it fixed the issue....
I thought this was outside of Valorant
what's ur gpu?
u should be able to play at all high without any issue
I still think this is a disk issue
yes thats why im also confused
What drive are you using?
do u mean that valo minimized or actually terminated/closed
minimized ≠ closed, I'm not sure which one u mean
sorry for the stupid question but how can i check 💀
Via task manager
When you click on disk
happens in game as well btw (the constant freezing)
what's ur cpu
if it happens when the game is closed, it might be vanguard issue

but the actual anticheat vgc wouldn't be running when the game is closed tho, that one running is vgk
did u enable xmp
amd cpu likes high frequency ram
Yeah, you’re disk isn’t the greatest
The serial number is incomplete
ill be playing a couple of games to make sure the issue doesnt occur anymore. If it doesnt then the fix was lowering the graphics for some reason. Still doesnt answer how it effects my whole pc when valo isnt running. it was so bad i blue screened a lot.
But from what I have seen, it doesn’t have the dram cashe
do i have to buy another one?
when u got bluescreen
whats the error
You most likely should
Do you have bad experiences when you try to install anything
idk, i took a picture once but i cant find it anymore. if i do ill send u it
no, its only valorant
any recommendation??
Anything that isn’t $25
Because that’s how much your drive cost
wd should be nice
@styroxse did you check if that come from window sometime window defender cause problem with vanguard look at it
how can I check??
google is your friend, because i dont remember how to do it 😅
alright thank u 😭