VALORANTā€¢17mo ago
Deleted User

can i please have help because everytime i turn my fps drops to 2

92 Replies
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
new pc šŸ‘ whats your specs
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
no its fine i just updated val
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
i asked what your specs are
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
bruh do you want help or not like
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
you want cpu and gpu idk
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
yes that is the main part of specs
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
cpu: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-core Processor gpu: Radeon RX 580 series also my crappy laptop can run the game that i use at my dads
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
you have an even shittier cpu than i do somehow
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
i sent
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
while the fps should not be at only 2 you definitely arent gonna get good fps u should be getting around 60
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
i got like 200 somehow before i updated to 6.03
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
that should not be possible
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
it shouldnt
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
my cpu and gpu are both significantly better than yours and im getting 80
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
No description
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
look at my fps in the top right but when i turn it drops down to like 2
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
wtf šŸ‘
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
and never did that before
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
@klasclaws you are smarter than me please help make sure ur drivers are updated btw
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
my graphics dirvers are updated i checked
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
ive had no windows updates
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
im going to let a smarter person help you because i do not understand
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
ive reinstalled my game
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
your fps should not drop to 2
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
it just started when i updated to 6.03
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
maybe its an issue with the update maybe wait for new update?
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
see if it fixes ofc u can try stuff to fix it though
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
it fixed once
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
thats just a suggestion
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
some how just while trying to play it smoothed itself out
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
check task manager while running game
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
I dont know pc shit but something that worked for me was capping the fps at something reasonable so it did not go crazy I capped it at 140 when it was going crazy between 120-190 kinda like yours do in the chart
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
works for me always at 140 now and I have a pretty bad cpu (max can run valorant low settings and spotify which gets it to 98%)
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
wait what do you mean and what do you mean
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
In video section of settings I believe there is a cap fps option just set it to something in between what its spazzing between should help stabilize
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
ohh i knoqw why
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
lowest I got down to was 30 frames never 2 but its worth a shot ? now I am curious 7 windows of chrome open
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
99 percent of my gpu is being used which doesnt make sense
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
Valorant is a pretty gpu light game ya
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
its using 40 percent' and everything else is using like 0.2 tho
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
Maybe try lowering material quality not sure if you have yet? or check if gpu drivers are up to date (i know you did cpu not sure about gpu)
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
nvm valorant is using 94 percent of my gpu
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
OH LOL Maybe just took a sec to show it
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
well that sucks i cant really play anymore
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
your gpu is really bad
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
ik its using 94 percent when running
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
yes it probably drops once you hit 100% it struggles to keep up lower graphic settings maye maybe
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
nah i tried it still used like 89%
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
better than 99 at least lol 1) Windows 10 settings: CPU power plan: Choose "High Perormance" 2) Nvidia Control Panel: 3D-settings -> adjust image settings -> enable "Use the advanced 3D image settings" -> "manage 3D settings" / "Global settings" / "Take me there"-> "Power management mode": choose "Prefer maximum performance". 3) Uninstall bloatware such as ASUS AI SUITE 4) update your BIOS 5) make sure that the XMP profile for your (D)RAM is enabled after BIOS update (Not sure if b350 supports XMP.) these are a few things I found online Disabling all CPU-depending graphical utilities is also a fix to Valorant low GPU usage. It is advisable to disable VSync & Antialiasing, increase resolution & details and enable Future Frame Rendering. Another option Lots of people are seeing good results by locking fps and monitor refresh rate at 144 (maybe a bit lower with your specs)
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
heh i dont understand
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
Which one
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
Disabling all CPU-depending graphical utilities is also a fix to Valorant low GPU usage. It is advisable to disable VSync & Antialiasing, increase resolution & details and enable Future Frame Rendering. Another option
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
Nvm ignore that Its to fix low gpu usage mb ignore that
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
k i think i might just need a new one
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
That is the simple fix which is best case scenario Just costs money
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
yea but its so expensive
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
and idk how that even makes sense my pc can literally run vr completly fine
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
that shouldnt be possible your specs aren't remotely close to VR level
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
well it does
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
yeah being able to start it up and being able to run it as intended are different
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
i can run blade and sorserary with like 80 fps
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
80 fps VR sounds like it would make me sick
emilyā€¢17mo ago
you should have like atleast 150 for vr
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
can i get help pls im just trying to get my gpu not to be overloaded by valorant
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
they played valorant at 2 fps at some moments lol they are a different breed
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
it used to be fine and i can run and walk at like 200 its just when i turn it drops to like 2 and it somehow smoothed out once to i know it does work
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
ya just a joke I get it
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
it just doesnt rn for some reason heh
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
you need a new gpu honestly your gpu doesnt even meet the minimum requirements for valorant lmao
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
ye but it used to run val fine and you saw the screen shots of 170 fps its just when i turn
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
Could be an update
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
nah ive had no windows update4s recently it just happened when i updated to 6.03
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
I meant valorant but probably not who knows though
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
wait if i can screen share in i call i can show you what i mean with everything
Kinitoā€¢17mo ago
im pretty sure we understand
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
it used to work tho so im confused and i somehow smoothed it yesterday idk how it just kinda did
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
I understand and wish I can do more try the stuff here and hope for the best you can. LONG SHOT is put a ticket in riot support but probably wont be able to help
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
ngl i dont know how
emilyā€¢17mo ago
buy a better gpu šŸ˜ƒ
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
NICE what did it?
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Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
i mouse polling rate was at 1k i set it to 250 and it smoothend ut out
KlasClawsā€¢17mo ago
Good to know will remember that
emilyā€¢17mo ago
whats mosue polling rate
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢17mo ago
It the acceleration of your mouse Anything over 500 can cause lag
JSNā€¢17mo ago
You don't need that good of a pc to run this game I'm busy