37 Replies
Any one who knows a perfect solution for screen stuck at starting position let me know.
I tried all the things..
Tried vanguard reinstallation, game reinstallation, cmd thing, antivirus all…
Still stuck. Plz help me Valorant.
Win 10 or 11?
Updated your graphics card driver? Windows updated? If your game is installed and not stuck on the update screen, the cmd isn't required. Game running without having the .exe running as admin/compatibility mode/fullscreen optimization?
Win 11
Game is fully updated.
I played 3 games yesterday and after then my game started to stuck on opening.
I remember this being a thing a few years back with the manifest files, have you tried removing them?
more than likely though these days its probably to do with either vanguard or your connection being unstable
I have constant 20 MBps connection
what server do you play on?
run that in cmd, it'll show the rtt for the server
on mumbai
if it hops 3 asterisks early then you'll know its a network issue if there is one
Kk let’s check that
it pings correctly?
All <50
then it has to be an issue with vanguard
I tried reinstalling vanguard and Valorant both.
you have done all the windows 11 requirements for vanguard right?
secure boot etc
Yup. i just checked that in my bios yesterday
you don't have any errors on the vanguard tray either?
literally just a guessing game if there is not a single error occuring :/
I just played yesterday and after that this issue is occurring…
I'm kinda out of ideas at this point tbh since there is no indication of what the problem is
if you haven't already, you could wipe the entirety of the riot services, completely reinstall, make sure they're all allowed through the firewall and then just hope it works
if you haven't changed anything, there is no error and no patch has happened that's about the only thing you can do unless valorant support tickets can help you
Do you have any trouble with vanguard?
Same as everyone patching issue.
What does it say for you?
Does it say just that?
When I click play. It stuck on starting
Ah I see
that thing doesn't indicate an error for you specifically
When I do it, it says "riot vanguard crashes" and after the game shows "Vanguard not initialized"
No. It doesn’t even show vanguard crashed.
What now ?
ya got a fix?
My friend has JUST recently gotten valorant and she's been on the loading screen for 2 hours (new laptop too)