MOBO doesn't support UEFI due to no disks being able to boot, also doesn't have TPM 2.0 support, I've disabled VBS through command line as well as through BIOS. Windows 10. Yet the error persists. Any fix?

60 Replies
@arayofsunshine. If you can't get secure boot or TPM 2.0 to work, you have to get a motherboard and storage device that can support it
That's weird, this article says that i can go around that by disabling VBS
Suporte de VALORANT
Configurações de Segurança Baseada em Virtualização (VBS) no Window...
Este artigo se aplica aos jogadores que receberem a seguinte notificação VAN9005: O VALORANT não funcionará na sua máquina a partir de 10 de julho de 2023, a menos que você tome certas medidas. ...
Your best option is to change your BIOS mode to UEFI and enable TPM 2.0. If those features are unavailable on your machine, you can still run VALORANT on Windows 10 by disabling Virtualization-based security (VBS)I see Maybe they recently changed it so that you must have it now Have you had it working with VBS disabled before? @arayofsunshine.
Yea it seemed to be working perfectly fine before last night, I think you're right about a recent update because I've also seen a whole bunch of other people posting about the same thing recently.
I can attempt a UEFI change my repartitioning my disks, any idea whether that will work or not?
It might work, but no promises
It won't hurt to try
that is only available when the game doesnt think ur pc is vulnerable, and u have vbs enabled but doesnt meet the vbs requirements
win+r, msinfo32
show me
i can guide u how to convert ur disk to gpt and turn on secure boot
Ahh I see

thanks so much
currently on mbr & legacy, that's why u can't use secure boot
run cmd as admin,
mbr2gpt /validate/allowfullos
ahhh okok

u mised it
oh shi sorry about that
/validate /allowfullos
show me the output

My OS is on disk 4, is there an argument?
list disk

sel disk 0
detail disk

go to ur bios
switch disk controller from rst to ahci
in bios?
alright booting back in right now

whats the error code
Stop code: inaccessible boot device
change it back to rst
after u booted into windows, find something like intel optane storage
or whatever
disable raid features
I can’t seem to find a software similar
right click windows icon-disk management
show me

also do this again but disk 1 this time

@arayofsunshine.follow this

by what he means shell, its cmd
okay done that, back in windows
to verify
list disk 0
detail disk again
then u can exit
and run
mbr2gpt /validate /allowfullos

mbr2gpt /validate /disk:0 /allowfullos

do u have an usb drive right now?
or winpe
I have a drive with win10 on it
live usb?
its fine tho
boot into that usb
validate and convert from there
ah it’s just install, I can get a live linux drive tomorrow from a friend
anyway do u have any usb thats free for it?
u can use live gparted image
unfortunately it’s the only one I have, but I could wipe it for something else
may still work ig
alr I’ll install
wanna call it a night?
u know the gparted website right

iirc u can convert mbr to gpt with gparted
without data loss
ahh and then switch to uefi and tpm 2.0?
after u converted ur disk to gpt
secure boot tho
alright will do, I’ll give an update in case anyone else stumbles upon the thread
ah yea okok. Thanks again!! Appreciate the help.
did it work