VALORANT•15mo ago

Budget PC builds that can get 165 fps on val whilst recording consistently

I have no experience with gaming PCs and was looking for an upgrade once I get my first job. Can someone suggest a few builds at the minimum cost to achieve 165 fps on val while being able to run say obs or discord in the background?
31 Replies
chaotic•15mo ago
i would say probably any i5 (or better) with 32 gb and 1tb ssd would be fine depending on how much you wanna spend, gotta consider that obs and discord are both pretty hefty apps to run as well as valorant the Archangel 4 by skytech isnt bad for its price/considering its a prebuilt
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•15mo ago
are you looking for prebuilts or building your own if you mainly play valorant, just get 16gbs of ram and upgrade your cpu and i recommend going for a ryzen am5 chip if you can since they are more future proof
O$ki•15mo ago
i9-9900k RTX 4090 64GB RAM
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•15mo ago
why 9900k?
OsWaynZz•15mo ago
No rtx overkill asf and i9 would give you bottleneck i think
rtx 4090 for val 🤯
zzzzzzzzzzzOP•15mo ago
any my current pc got an i5-4490 and 16 gb ram but runs val at 90 fps and crashes alot but im guessing that its because its really old
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•15mo ago
your cpu is most likely the reason whats your gpu?
zzzzzzzzzzzOP•15mo ago
integrated graphics 💀
Julian75•15mo ago
Pretty much every build can run val good, expect for mine 90 fps are good wdym😭
zzzzzzzzzzzOP•15mo ago
no but i need 165 whilst being able to record
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•15mo ago
oh well if you want to also record that will be more money spent from what i can see
zzzzzzzzzzzOP•15mo ago
its fine im willing to work for a long time
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•15mo ago
recording is mostly cpu reliant so along with valorant (cpu based) you will most likely need like an i7 whats your budget
zzzzzzzzzzzOP•15mo ago
dont have one but im looking for the minimum cos like all the money needed to buy this doesnt exist ill work for it next year once i get a job
are u fine with using used parts
zzzzzzzzzzzOP•15mo ago
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•15mo ago
well for like $1000 you can probably get a 4060 with like a ryzen 5 7600x or smth like that you can also go into pc subreddits for suggestions
zzzzzzzzzzzOP•15mo ago
ill give that a go ty can you use 144hz on a 165hz monitor?
Tartauros•15mo ago
I get 400fps minimum On old pc Get: ryzen 5 5600x and a 3070 Good enough
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•15mo ago
yes i wouldnt buy an am4 chip since its not future proof amd has already upgraded the socket so you would have to buy a new motherboard as well to upgrade cpu
Tartauros•15mo ago
Thats right but it looks like hes on a budget
zzzzzzzzzzzOP•15mo ago
whats an am4 chip
Awanings•15mo ago
bro i have a i7 8700k and a 1650 super w 16gb ram and get 300fps. just get a pc with a 16 series gpu and your good all u need is a i5 that is 8th gen above w a 16 series gpu
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•15mo ago
there are some am5 chips that cost around the same as am4 and i would much rather spend extra to avoid having to buy another motherboard in the future its the motherboard socket there are pins under the cpu and the way they are arranged is different between am4 and am5 wouldnt recommend getting an 8th gen intel cpu since LGA700 is most likely not going to last much longer and amd has much better budget deals than intel
Tartauros•15mo ago
8th gen isnt worth it anymore buddy
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•15mo ago
literally said i wouldnt recommend whats the point of replying to my message if your just saying the same thing
Stevencol303•15mo ago
Tartauros•15mo ago
Lol mb Replied to wrong
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi•15mo ago
zzzzzzzzzzzOP•15mo ago

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